Ooh, most hated sports personalities, this is fun!

Never pass up a chance to rant a bit... Anyway, sports people I don't like, not in any order:
Ponting- He seriously looks like the narky little motor-mouth every school has, who can't fight to save himself, but still goes around pissing everyone else off. I mean SURELY he'd have got his head flushed at some stage???
Broncos commentators- I mean, the WHOLE commentary team sound like they're having a competition on who loves the Broncos more? Least objective commentary team IMO, at least with Gus there's someone there to disagree with him, and he actually understands the game.
Fabio Grosso- Enough said! No one had him on their list???
Kobe- I've been in to my opinions on his game before, most don't agree, but oh well...
Nate Robinson- Napoleon Syndrome poster boy...
Ric Flair- Honestly, he should've just retired during the 60's, now he's just an inconvenience to my watching wrestling...
Brent Tate- AKA "The Cuttle Fish" How over-rated is this guy??? And how the hell does he make the Aussie team, and Mark O'meley not?
Can't think of any more that really stand out for now, and going off topic, sports people I think are great:
Harry Kewell- seriously, Aussie fans are lucky he didn't pack up shop years ago, with all the injuries he's had, combined with the unwarranted flak he's copped for being INJURED! Yeah, I'm sure he's getting injured on purpose just to spite the Aussie public...
Anthony Mundine and Prince Nasseem- Too of my favourite boxers, both over the top confident, both with a good ammount of arrogance, know how to play the crowd (obviously for Mundine, seeing these lists...), and both back up their words with the results.
Willie Mason- What a footy player should be, IMO! Plays the game hard, gives or expects no quarter, wears his heart on his sleeve, and doesn't bother with all the PC crap! I mean, are we paying these guys to play football or be social workers? Just wondering...
And a more personal one, Jade Edminstone- Champion swimmer who's held several world records until recently, never got a fair shake in the media, where it's all about Libby Lenton and the other girl, (forgot her name, as I try to ignore he as a protest). Leisel Jones, that's it! I mean, those 2 are great swimmers, obviously, but when Jade was the record holder, where was she in the news??? They were too busy talking about these 2 "also-rans"!
Anyway, I'm done now...