Here are some recent additions to the NBA collection
Jsy #d
A sick patch and #d 25/25
And an awesome bonus with the deal.
Anyway, I Had some great news this week ! my father and mother in-law are not only taking our 6 year old away for a week down south (we will miss her of course) but said they would also watch our 13 month old son tonight also ... extra bonus
But to top this all off, Frank is also a major sponsor of Danny Green and had a little surprise for me when we dropped the little ones off this afternoon !
Please enjoy my happiness
the biggest fight down under so far
It will be game on come Dec 2 2009
Signed by both Stars and One true LEGEND of boxing Roy Jones Jr
Cheers everyone It will sit proudly in my "MAN'" room where the ladies are always welcome
I am not sure how Danny will go against Roy jones but it will be a great fight
PS, Jones has been putting on the mind games !!! apparently he has already signed a deal with the guy that BOTH Green and himself are hoping to fight , whoever wins this one between them that is yet to happen .... cheeky ! but i like his style
absolutely amazing.. love it mate.. but see how the roy is above the green.. thats how this fight will turn out... but awsome to see an aussie mixin it up with such a pro...
hell yeah, sick mate, what an addition...shame its got danny green's auto on it tho!! will be a great fight, cant see green laying a hand on him, he couldnt even touch mundine!