Xbox 360

Hey mavsman
With that old computer site so you download all your fav games for ya pc?
is that all ya do like just have to download the games?
Also so Burnout you think is ya choice?
I really want to get fight night too!

Cheers man
alright mousey heres how it works.

you dl an emulator of a console (genesis, snes etc) then you download roms (games) which you can play through an emulator. simple.

and burnout is awesome fun, best arcadey racing game out. def better than the NFS games.
old computer is a site where ya can download Roms (roms are games from old consoles formatted to run on an operating system - computer).

You need an Emulator to run/play an Rom.

I play NFS all the time lately, I've just gotten back into it. I think the actual gameplay (driving) is better than Burnout, but less realistic and effective.

Some great new titles coming for 360, Elder Scrolls, Final Fantasy, plus the newER titles already out on Xbox. They might have revamped NFS to suit 360???
Oh ok that sounds cool!
I been looking for pac man for ages :)
Apperently NFS and Burnout are very similar to their xbox games but just better graphics with a few extra things.
But i havent played both games so what ever one i decide to get will be new and exciting.
fo sho, bubble bobble was a hell addictive game. all time most addictive game has gotta be bomberman 5 on snes...i used to dream about that game, got in my head so much.
fo sho, bubble bobble was a hell addictive game. all time most addictive game has gotta be bomberman 5 on snes...i used to dream about that game, got in my head so much.

you got that right, i have both roms on mny xbox and multiplayer on them is so cool

mousey - by far burnout. the speed and action by far is superior to all
Im getting the 360 tomorrow! I can't wait. Haven't been this pumped about a console in ages. Should be awesome.

Thing I love the sounds of is wireless controllers! No more fukn tangles! No more tripping over cords and stuff. And if you get mad and throw it, the whole console doesn't go flying!

WOOT! :)
yer im pumped too.
ive had the ps2 and xboz and preety much got them when they were released but never felt the anticipation i do for the 360.
jimmyj what games you getting?

me and my bro mousey got the 650 pack with the wireless and during the week we bought another wireless and a plug and play for it.
me and my bro are going to the midnight launch and still a bit undecided on what games were getting.
we getting two most liekly.
burnout revenge is almost certain and
the 2nd
out of GRAW, COD2, Fight Night 3 i think
jimmy jackson said:
......And if you get mad and throw it, the whole console doesn't go flying!

Amen to that.....

I've decided I'll be getting one, just not till they drop in price. I just HAVE to get it cos of the new Final Fantasy games coming out. lol.
MavsMan© said:
Amen to that.....

I've decided I'll be getting one, just not till they drop in price. I just HAVE to get it cos of the new Final Fantasy games coming out. lol.

yeah, im really looking forward to the new FF (12 or 13?). it got a perfect 40/40 score in the latest famitsu magazine, which is basically the gaming bible in japan. they NEVER give out perfect scores and are notoriously hard markers so it must really be something special. only thing i hate is the annoying american voices in the new FF games, they should have kept the text for the character's speech, or at least have it in Jap with Eng subs.
Well i got it last nite, went down at midnight for the launch with my bro
Was preety intimidated cause everyone there were a bit strange lol
Highlight of the night but was-
They closed the sliding door slightly and asked 6 people at a time to come in to collect there machine.
Anyway we were waiting outside and this guy after recieving his maching kind of a tall fella walked out just looking at his xbox smiling but then all of a sudden ran in the bottom of the sliding door was preety funny was trying not to laugh but jonno couldnt help him self
Got Burnout-Revenge and Ghost Recon, i wanted fight night but bro really wanted ghost recon. Got 2 games cause for today only and last night all games are $75! Big w advertised it but most places will match it for today only!
What did I miss? Final Fantasy isn't exclusive to Sony anymore? NICE!

I love FF games. I basically only play NBA and FF games on any console. Racing and fighting games suck big time. :P

Time to throw away the PS2 and get an XBOX 360. :D
oh and im off now to get mine :) thought id wait til the rush was over. mine has no chance of being sold on me. pre order baby :)
kidd05 said:
Racing and fighting games suck big time. :P

Time to throw away the PS2 and get an XBOX 360. :D

go buy virtua fighter 4 evolution, play it solid for a week or 2. if you come back and arent hooked harder than a crack junky and proclaiming it one of the greatest games ever invented, i will give you my entire card PC. i aint shitting you.

and i wouldnt throw away the old consoles yet. the first batch of any consoles always have some problems (overheating, hardware glitches etc) that get tweaked 6 months to a year later when newer models are released... and by that time the price has dropped substantially as well, its win win. i can understand the desire to get the latest console the second it comes out though.
How many of us gamers have games at home we havent finished yet?

I've got about 20.... LMAO!

I used to have a rule, finish a game before buying a new one. Could you image what it was like with Final Fantasy games!!!

Black is kicking my arse at the moment tho, it's HARD!!!!
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