wow another s*** ebayer CONCLUSION and follow up im out!!

ok heres the final out come from ebay, they have removed the buyers comment but the negative will remain and tarnish my seller record....and i was provided a link for the fifth time to there policys... so i get a neg regardless of following ebay guidelines this system is fucked im out ebay once again you have contradicted your own policys!!!!!
ha and im unable to respond to the neg or leave the buyer anything but positve fb
Had a similar situation. I left positive feedback but paid out on him on it. ebay is totally screwed, but not much you can do about it hey.
well ill be stuff ebay have removed the neg after some 5-6 emails debating their procedures....
here the final response
Hello Troy,

Thank you for the quick reply.

I am happy to inform you that I already removed the negative Feedback that the buyer had left you. With the removal of the negative Feedback, our Team will also be taking appropriate action with the member for violating eBay’s feedback policies.

Moreover, we want feedback to be an open and honest way for members to share their experiences with other members. There are certain things we won’t allow, like abusive language or personal information, because such comments don’t provide other members with useful information. If a feedback comment violates our policy, we are able to remove it.

I included a link that you can review to learn more about our Feedback Abuse and Removal policy. Please go to:

Thanks for choosing eBay and take care always!
Kind regards,

all these emails have been replied to from 5-6 different staff from ebay... i think sadly it realy depends on if you get someone that may have read ebays procedures or not! i'll leave it there
Glad to hear you got the neg removed - still a real shame you had to go to the lengths you did to remove it.

It seems very very unfair to genuine sellers who unfortunately sometimes come across real F wit buyers and can't let other people know what they are like.
Yeah eBay does suck balls at times. I sold a golf club that had big bold writing NO POSTAGE, the buyer abuses me for nothelping him with postage, he ended up leaving me my only ever netfeedback and eBay wouldn't remove it. I pretty much don't use them to sell any more as that really pisssed me off.
just reading back through the emails this is the one i got just before it was removed
Hello Troy,

Thanks for your reply.

Just to clarify, only the negative comment has been removed but the rating remains since it did not qualify for Feedback rating removal.

To know more about Feedback removal please click the link below:

Thanks for choosing eBay and have a great day ahead Troy.

Warm regards,
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