Not jesus but mary.
The Virgin Mary in a famous grilled cheese sandwich. This success of the cheesy Mary inspired a rash of similar auctions. The sandwich was sold to the online casino for $28,000, who made a million in advertising off it. After the Virgin Mary cheese sandwich took eBay by storm, other loony copycat auctions appeared. Some of them were: Hello Kitty grilled cheese; Howard Stern’s likeness on grilled cheese; the Virgin Mary on a pancake that sold for $75; Jesus on a fish stick; Mary and Jesus on a Funyun chip that sold for $609; and ET’s head on a flake of Nutri-Grain cereal that sold for $1,035. A nacho cheese-flavored Dorito shaped like the Pope’s peaked hat, called a mitre, was discovered and auctioned on eBay. 41,000 visitors checked it out and it sold for $1,209. also bought the papal nacho, along with the virgin cheese sandwich.