so just a reminder to everyone to get your tips in before tomorrow night.
i just tipped mine for the first round and its a lot harder than tipping AFL or NBA, i have no idea about the form of most of these sides and its impossible to predict whether theyre gonna win lose or draw in most matches...i guess this is just gonna come down to dumb luck!
btw, i tipped Aus to draw with Japan.
good luck everyone!
PS. if anyone is planning to record all the matches on dvd id be very interested. as much as id love to stay up all night every night to watch every match, somehow i dont see it happening
ooh, shoes is equal top so far, im in equal 2nd with about 5 others. what is it about people with J names lol...after shoes the names read Jay,James,Jason,Jeremy,Justin, and further down theres Jamie,Jason,and John
your probably not on the ladder richo cos you joined/put your tips in too late after the deadline.
Doh, I put my tips in on time becuase I did that weeks ago but I forgot to join the Oz Cards Team......guess i'll remove my name if I don't even appear on the ladder then
DAMMIT, the "pick the group winners" was VERY unkind to me... I went from 2 or 3 points off the lead, to being 15 off it??? I'm SUNK!!! #-o And there's not even a way back in like the play-off's comp we done where you could come back later if you saved the right players...