World Cup 06


Old School
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Well with 26 days to go.... the excitement is building for the World Cup... Just wanted to start a thread so we can talk about it and predict some winners....
Prediction: Probably Brazil to win. Ronaldinho has been in top form so I can see him slicing and dicing every other teams defense in pieces. I'd be suprised to see Ronaldo partnering him up front.

However, since I'm a BIG Thierry Henry fan, I am going for France to go all the way.

With Football / Soccer world cups though, I like a lot of players worldwide, so it is hard for me to choose which team I want to win.

I'll go for ALL OF THE TEAMS involved. :p
^ You know what Marc? Socceroos will always have a chance to do well because as we've seen in the past, anything can happen in football and who would've bet Greece to win the Euro Championships a few years back. :p

Socceroos is already an automatic choice for me but I'd thought I will share my other unbiased opinion. :D
brasil for sure. argentina possible. italy will choke again, england will self distruct as usual. france will struggle to make it past group stages again i think.
Brazil & France I will be going for... since Arsenal is on kinda of a roll at the moment, Henry will carry that through to the Cup & France I think will go well.

The next big question will be, who will be Cinderella team this time around ?
I gave the host nation a chance before they became a popular choice, but now think the new found expectation will be too much - they need Ballack to be in player of the tournament form to have any chance. As we all do, I really want the Aussies to do well, but with Cahill and Kewell not 100% fit, it will be much harder :( The longshot picks to do well for me are Sweden and Croatia(really hope not)
Of course you can't go past Brazil - RONALDINHO is amazing. Here's proof:
"Brazillian Ping Pong" - The Ronaldinho Crossbar Ad
ronaldiho, kaka, cafu, carlos, robino, ronaldo? edmilson, lucino.

they're lineup has stars in every spot. as long as they can put it together

brasil for sure

hope australia gets past group stage though that would be sweet
I'll be plonking on Australia to not go past their group stage at $1.50 on sportsbet safe as houses :) and brazil to win :)
My sisters going the lucky bugger.
I hope the US don't win a game and get flogged each time out. That would be sweet.
I think the Zillars have the best chance but I would like to see spain go all the way.
France and England will choke as it's what they do.
Can't wait wait but.More sleepless nights
Brasil to win and once Australia is out I will be barracking for England ;)

It's about the only sport where I do barrack for them :lol:
Will be backing the Aussies, and looking forward to brazil playing, but it's soccer and anything can happen. Would like to see one of the african teams to do well like Ivory Coast
ducky_poo said:
ronaldiho, kaka, cafu, carlos, robino, ronaldo? edmilson, lucino.

they're lineup has stars in every spot. as long as they can put it together

That's true but same can be said to most of the participants countries on the World Cup. ;)
brazil and without breaking much of a sweat i reckon. i really want spain to get their act together, so much talent, so little success at world cups. portugal are the same but slightly less talented. germany will make the final four but no further. england are gone with rooney and owen out. france i dont know, could go all the way again, could be bundled out very soon again. same with argentina and italy, always football powerhouses but their wealth of talented indivudals cant work together to make great teams. ive got a soft spot for the african teams too, always like to see them go far.
Shoes said:
I'll be plonking on Australia to not go past their group stage at $1.50 on sportsbet safe as houses :) and brazil to win :)

I made that bet in combination with a few others to get better odds......I hope it loses and Australia advance to the next stage though :D
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