I have been a bit quiet on here as well, reasons being:
1) Select Australia have pumped out the same crap year after year, this is coming from a 2-3 box buyer per season of 'Series 2'. I now pick up the cards I want, and still have $ in my pocket. Please listen to us Select Australia, you clearly don't. Cards in 1994 were more innovative than 2014.
2) High USD > AUD conversion. There's only so much you can take when the dollar takes a hit. It has a positive side of the coin too... as a lot of our collections are now valued 20% higher than they were 12-16 months ago. I just pull back on the buying in this period. It doesn't look like we're going to get back to where we were though.
3) White Panini Cards, yep ... white! I think of Panini and I think of the same stuff. Yes we have prizm, yes we have crusade but the higher end stuff is what should have differentiation. We dont have that between imac, flawless, NT. Show 3 of these cards to someone who doesn't collect cardboard and they wouldn't know the difference. Panini do some nice things, but don't shoot yourself in the foot with the same designs 3 fold over.
4) COMC! $0.50 usd per card arriving to now ... $2.00 USD ( or close enough to $3 aud per card) .. I get it businesses need to evolve and run at a profit, but that golden goose has been shot. The glory years of buying 2-3 cards per day on ebay and sending them to COMC are over. That spurred my interest no end, I was buying a lot of low end stuff, adding tonnes to the watch list, checking my email every day for the next arrival to COMC, waiting for them to be processed and being involved in the industry. Now, I see COMC as a great place to send higher end cards I can find on ebay and only have to pay $2 to receive a card I once wasn't able to attain. So, it's a positive but COMC now has to be used/seen in a different light.
5) Other interests happen! It's always cyclical in the cardboard world, I always check in and enjoy sharing what we all love on here. I think new releases, possibly having UD NBA licence back in the game and new innovation from companies would capture some lost attention.