Whats some good TV shows to watch?

SQUID GAMES 2 - enjoyed and a solid follow up to season 1.
Still got the violence, just missing the element of suprise that season 1 had.
enjoyable 7/10*
admire Aaron as a respected and great quarterback. Well put together and enjoyable doco- not super deep more plays like a interview. good 7/10*
I love a good zombie show. Am watching Black Summer at the moment, am into the second season. I really don’t know what to think. The character story lines are all over the place, it’s not letting viewers build relationships with them. And it can be a little slow at times.
Just finished
American Primval on Netflix
Great watch for all you western lovers
8 / 10

Savage show
I'll give it 7/10 - I thought it moved a bit fast - remember when seasons had like 12 episodes? ah the good old days

Loved seeing Shea Wigham, he's great - and I thought an underrated role was Tig - I mean Kim Coates as Brigham Young. I don't know how accurate the Morman stuff was but man that's fascinating.


I blame Game of Thrones - Dan and Dave screwed everyone over for years to come when they decided to screw all GoT fans and cut the finals seasons down brutally short. Then everyone thought it was ok.
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Bit late to the party but just ran through both seasons of Squid Game. Wonderfully fucked up show, big Battle Royale vibe. Loved it.
After Life:

Working my way through the first season atm. This show has me laughing hysterically then tearing up within minutes.

The scenes with his dad who has Alzheimer's can be brutal at times.

This show has real heart, Ricky Gervais at his best
fantastic series.
thought provoking, yet drenched in misery and sadness from start to finish.
best thing Gervais has done!

A Japanese show on Netflix from 2023. 1 season, 8 episodes.

About Oze, a high school judo champ who graduates and falls into directionless delinquency. His family unit has fallen apart after mounting debts forced his dad to close his sushi restaurant. His mother ran off to trollop about the ghetto they now live in. Oze turns to Sumo, joining the near broke Ensho stable, with promises of fame and fortune.

Despite his disrespect and apathy towards the sport, much to the chagrin of peers and fans, his natural ability sees him on a win streak, paralleled by rival up and comer Shizuuchi, a 200kg silent monster with his own dark past (played by former rikishi Hishofuji).

Sounds grim but Sanctuary sits more towards comedy than drama, with your "teenage" delinquent lead played by a then 37 year old actor.

It presents an exaggerated view of Sumo (though not far from the truth if some recent scandals are to be believed), and it takes liberties with the rule book with some bouts featuring acts that are flagrant fouls. But it’s all in service of entertainment and this show is definitely entertaining. Bouts are given the slo-mo Zack Snyder treatment which adds to the presentation and impact, and the characters are compelling in their almost cartoonish quality. But it also treats Sumo with reverence and is steeped in the culture of the sport.

Plus, there's some decent eye candy with gravure model Rio Teramoto playing small but pivotal role, and the pretty Japanese-Australian actress Shioli Kutsuna playing the demoted journalist reluctantly covering the sumo desk for her newspaper.

The only knock against it, and it’s a biggie, is that after watching seven 1-hour episodes, the finale is a mere 30 minutes that leaves a lot of plotlines without closure. And given it’s been over a year since it came out, I doubt there will be another season. But I still really enjoyed it. A classic underdog-come-good sports movie show.

(lol work's dead, so you got some paragraphs. Sorry)

Definitely got less funny with each episode and by the end I was glad it wrapped up when it did. Final season missing a couple of characters which I think took away from it. Sandy and Roxy were both great for different reasons.

The way it ended though was good, it knew it was ending so the characters had an ending.

Throughout the series it created emotional torture with the ups and downs.

Well worth watching, only 18 episodes so can't go wrong
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