What would you do?


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Hi guys, curious as to what some of you would do in the same situation that I’ve found myself in.
Back in June last year I gave a card to a third party to send off to PSA for grading in a group submission. That submission was received back without my card some months ago now. I was told that because of an error made by a staff member who no longer works there, my card was mistakenly sent to BGS for grading that same month instead of PSA.
Now I know there are no guarantees with grading, however I was fairly certain of receiving a PSA 10 for this card. Particularly in regards to the prevalence at which they were handing 10’s out at the time and their known leniency around certain areas when grading. Given the premium paid for PSA 10’s in the crazy bubble we have been in, I was looking forward to getting the card back and moving it on for a nice profit so that I could reinvest in a particular PC item.
I have just received word that the card has now arrived back from BGS as a 9.5. Whilst this is a great grade, when it comes to selling, I feel like given the current situation I’ve potentially lost out on a decent chunk of cash if it would have been returned a few months ago as a PSA 10.
If this was a PC item I probably wouldn’t care so much, as I have both PSA and BGS cards in my collection. I just feel like if it had have been sent to PSA like it should have, I would be potentially a lot more in front with selling it.
I’m at a loss as to what I should now do. I understand that sometimes as humans we just mess up, however I don’t feel overly confident in using them to grade again, and I also know the ridiculous wait that PSA has.
Should I just suck it up and move on?
I'd be pretty happy with the bgs grade. 9.5's sell pretty well and PSA seem to be handing out 10's much more rarely these days.
I totally understand that point of view and would normally be along the same line of thinking. Just given the fact I was getting it graded with the view of selling, and the fact buyers are still paying a big premium on PSA 10 over BGS 9.5, I feel like I’m potentially missing out on a chunk of money that would help towards my PC. All because of an error made on the part of the third party.
Just an example of something i've seen recently. I often watch a guy who busts early 90's product with the intent on chasing Jordan psa 10's etc.

All of his cards are pack fresh and pretty highly scrutinised before sending to PSA. If he doesn't believe it is at least a 9, it doesn't get sent. In the past, he would have received probably 30% 10's and the rest 9's. In his most recent return submissions, he is now seeing mostly 9's and 8's with a handful of 10's (not even 10% of his submission) and probably even more 7's than 10's. So there has clearly been a significant change of late when it comes to grading from PSA.
I’m shocked that BGS took longer than PSA to begin with!

what, if any did they say or offer in regards to the mix up?

what are the subs on the card ? This could be particularly relevant if 1. It’s a numbered or rare card and not Prizm base for eg and 2) if there’s a swing in preference back to BGS when people realise they are more defining of a cards condition due to listing the sub grades.

for some of my cards BGS is preferable to PSA, it was only if I intended resale at the time due to the massive price diff.

in the end, sounds like you intended to sell straight away, the people aren’t going to offer to compensate you for the difference you missed out so it’s just time to move on or not use them again and tell they they lost a customer.
I would suggest they refund you as you shouldn't be charged for something you didn't ask for.
Yes you may have lost money in profits IF it came back a 10, but it also could have come back a 9..
That's why I suggest you don't look at the if's and just deal with what's happened.. and that's an error has been made at no fault of your own. They should own it and refund you the grading fee and learn from it.
Would rate a BGS 9.5 over a PSA 10 anyway, cannot imagine it would cost you anything in the selling of the aforementioned card.
As stated in the OP, I am well aware there was no possible guarantee of a 10. However, given the condition, the various opinions on the card of people who regularly grade ( one in particular who’s success rate would rival Joe Clemons. Lol), the leniency PSA were giving at the time on aspects of grading and the fact it came back a 9.5. I think it’s a better than average chance it could have been a 10.

I guess the basis is, I’m disappointed that I didn’t get the service that I asked and payed for firstly, and through an error (not mine) I could possibly be missing out on a decent amount of money. There is quite a discrepancy in prices between BGS 9.5 and PSA 10 on almost all cards.

Whilst in my own PC my preference is probably the BGS 9.5 grade, as stated this was graded for selling purposes. A simple look at sales will see that (rightly or wrongly) a PSA 10 brings bigger $$ than a BGS 9.5 in almost all cases. Theres only really a few exceptions and in some instances that $$ value difference is quite considerable.

Running my own business and having to make amends for employees errors to me is an unfortunate but necessary part of business. If myself or my employees make an error that effects my customer I always make amends.
I would have expected perhaps an offer to resub with PSA on an express service. Maybe credit to use with them or at the very least not having to pay the submission fees. Perhaps these are not reasonable to expect of the third party and I am out of line in my thinking. Yet we see whole threads that people start on being wrongly charged express postage or similar small errors that amount to a few $$ here or there on EBay or Facebook. My line of thinking I guess comes from how I run my business and treat my customers.
As stated in the OP, I am well aware there was no possible guarantee of a 10. However, given the condition, the various opinions on the card of people who regularly grade ( one in particular who’s success rate would rival Joe Clemons. Lol), the leniency PSA were giving at the time on aspects of grading and the fact it came back a 9.5. I think it’s a better than average chance it could have been a 10.

I guess the basis is, I’m disappointed that I didn’t get the service that I asked and payed for firstly, and through an error (not mine) I could possibly be missing out on a decent amount of money. There is quite a discrepancy in prices between BGS 9.5 and PSA 10 on almost all cards.

Whilst in my own PC my preference is probably the BGS 9.5 grade, as stated this was graded for selling purposes. A simple look at sales will see that (rightly or wrongly) a PSA 10 brings bigger $$ than a BGS 9.5 in almost all cases. Theres only really a few exceptions and in some instances that $$ value difference is quite considerable.

Running my own business and having to make amends for employees errors to me is an unfortunate but necessary part of business. If myself or my employees make an error that effects my customer I always make amends.
I would have expected perhaps an offer to resub with PSA on an express service. Maybe credit to use with them or at the very least not having to pay the submission fees. Perhaps these are not reasonable to expect of the third party and I am out of line in my thinking. Yet we see whole threads that people start on being wrongly charged express postage or similar small errors that amount to a few $$ here or there on EBay or Facebook. My line of thinking I guess comes from how I run my business and treat my customers.

i think it’s very reasonable to ask for a faster service as a makeup of the error. The current one for $200usd + seems expensive for them but as an error makeup and goodwill should not be out of the question.
i think it’s very reasonable to ask for a faster service as a makeup of the error. The current one for $200usd + seems expensive for them but as an error makeup and goodwill should not be out of the question.

At the very least they could split the cost with you. At the current pricing structures this is a decent resolution imo.
Forget the predicted grade. Nothing is guaranteed with PSA. The issue is customer service as said already. They should provide credit to resub with psa or give you a great deal in your next purchase with them.
As mentioned numerous times, Im well aware nothing was guaranteed.
Have now been refunded the submission fee, so thankful for that.
Decided just to keep it in the PC now with such a huge $$ difference between PSA 10 and BGS 9.5.
I’m sure like many things in the hobby, opinions will change or markets will be manipulated in time and BGS will be flavour of the month again.
Hi guys, curious as to what some of you would do in the same situation that I’ve found myself in.
Back in June last year I gave a card to a third party to send off to PSA for grading in a group submission. That submission was received back without my card some months ago now. I was told that because of an error made by a staff member who no longer works there, my card was mistakenly sent to BGS for grading that same month instead of PSA.
Now I know there are no guarantees with grading, however I was fairly certain of receiving a PSA 10 for this card. Particularly in regards to the prevalence at which they were handing 10’s out at the time and their known leniency around certain areas when grading. Given the premium paid for PSA 10’s in the crazy bubble we have been in, I was looking forward to getting the card back and moving it on for a nice profit so that I could reinvest in a particular PC item.
I have just received word that the card has now arrived back from BGS as a 9.5. Whilst this is a great grade, when it comes to selling, I feel like given the current situation I’ve potentially lost out on a decent chunk of cash if it would have been returned a few months ago as a PSA 10.
If this was a PC item I probably wouldn’t care so much, as I have both PSA and BGS cards in my collection. I just feel like if it had have been sent to PSA like it should have, I would be potentially a lot more in front with selling it.
I’m at a loss as to what I should now do. I understand that sometimes as humans we just mess up, however I don’t feel overly confident in using them to grade again, and I also know the ridiculous wait that PSA has.
Should I just suck it up and move on?
Hi, sorry to read up on this significant error at no fault of your own. Are you able to mention the third party dealer so that we can consider this in the future?
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