Vote For OzCardTrader In The Upper Deck Awards

Hey Slobby

If we win, I will make you a mod!

Now if that's not enough incentive for everyone to vote, I don't know what is!

ha! when i get back to work tomorrow, im staying back after everyones gone and logging onto each of their computers!! i have 73 people who work in my office...slobbythegreat will now be slobbythemod!
ha! when i get back to work tomorrow, im staying back after everyones gone and logging onto each of their computers!! i have 73 people who work in my office...slobbythegreat will now be slobbythemod!

haha nice one Slobby! If only i was at uni...I'd go around every computer in the computer rooms and vote :razz:
yep u can vote daily. or more if you use proxy servers.

this comp should take into account user base size. the winner should be the one with the highest percentage of user base to vote.
that's pretty awesome. congrats on being nominated guys. i just voted.

might see if i can get my mates on facebook to vote, put it in my status or something. that could be a good way?
less than 10% members have voted.

and considering some of us did multiple votes. where is the aussie spirit guys?

i think this site needs a cull.
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