Users Signatures

The standard minimum window size is 800x600, but thats for small monitors. Most people view pages in 1200x900 or even better resolution these days.

The left part of a post (where the user details are) is about 190px wide, but this changes if you have a longer avatar - eg Graham, Craig and Matty have 210px wide avatars.

Left margin is 35px. Signature padding ~5px

So, to be safe, I think signatures should be maximum 950px

35px - 210px - 5px - 950px

My maths ok??
I'm pretty sure that avatars have a set size requirement (x by y pixels) for exactly that reason, to keep the posts at standard width. Sigs don't have a set dimension....maybe there should be a definition of the maximum appropriate sig picture width?

Not a setting that we can see to limit the size(width) of sigs :(

I know a lot have some really nice cards but having to show off 10 of them in your sig in one continuous line I just don't get.

If you do just make them smaller like my sig :thumbsup:
It doesn't need to be a strict setting, just set a guideline number in the forum rules. That way when we see a sig that is too wide, we can report it based on a forum rule rather than looking like a stickler. One mailday thread this morning had both oversized mail pics (again....) and oversized sigs.
yup we will bang our heads together and come up with some figures I guess as common sense doesn't seem to take place a lot of the time or people are just lazy.
The standard minimum window size is 800x600, but thats for small monitors. Most people view pages in 1200x900 or even better resolution these days.

Many people still access this site via laptops that use 1024x768.. and most of the windows xp installed with 1024x768 for default settings for most of the graphic accelerator cards.. so, i am thinking 700 pixels is best fit?? like your sig or BennyJ's photo...

I am still using 1024x768 :D
Yeah fair enough, just realised my laptop is widescreen unlike most of them, so my mozilla view dimensions are: 1280x568

700 is a reasonable number :)
My sig details are set to center in the middle of the post. If the post is wider, my sig looks bigger..

not sure how that works with you guys? or if mines too good, uhh, I mean too big... lol.

Lemme know if no good, I can change.
My sig details are set to center in the middle of the post. If the post is wider, my sig looks bigger..

not sure how that works with you guys? or if mines too good, uhh, I mean too big... lol.

Lemme know if no good, I can change.

Your sig doesn't determine the width of the post, so all is good. It's when the sig or uploaded picture causes the post to be wider than the default setting that the forums become untidy and tedious.

Cannot view the pdf..

is there something wrong?

could you please share with us full report like last time if it's not too much to ask??

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