UD Reflections - Group Case Buy

hill33 said:
Yep too easy mate, should give everyone some time to get the $$ together. Also we will know for certain that the case is gone. We arent all receiving cash in the post like some people ;)

JZA x 1
DVS x 1
Mavsman x 2

8 boxes to go!

4 down, 8 to go, arent you getting any???
Yeah sorry Clarkey, I did see it... AFTER I made post. Too lazy to change it. Helped you get another post towards your count... lol.

And yeah, BUMP...

C'mon guys!! Cheap as $110 per box! Be here in ur hands in approx 6 days...(from date ordered)

Thanks again Graham.
Dream's #12.

Sounds like the lists complete.

I should have payment as early as Wednesday if ya like?

Thanks again Graham, you're a champ at this!!!
Good luck to everyone! Looking forward to a week full of mad breaks! Hey G, will be down for Finest later in the year!
Final list - PM's going out soon (like 5 minutes)
JZA x 1
DVS x 1
Mavsman x 2
Billyhoyle x 1
scottsophie x 1
mattyj x 1
pvtryan x 1
jayzhou23 x 1
clarkescards x 1
justdabestcards x 1
Dream34 x 1


Yep going to do a preorder on Finest so it is here ASAP after release. Will let you know when I have prices.
Ya know, it's not often you find someone who will go out of their way to order in a case of cards for a group of guys like us, when he's not actually getting anything himself.

Thanks Graham. We owe ya one. =D> =D> =D> =D>
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