chadjaja® said:I had you pegged as a Ravenswood girl ;-P LOL
Sorry AJ.
Dream34 said:How sweet what did ya see broke back mt.
chadjaja® said:I get to Lonnie a fair bit. Last time I was there I went to a movie with Mavsman too. We shared popcorn. :-D
He even came out to Invermay and had a bbq and we both drank and annoyed everyone here much to thier dismay LOL
wolvesjr34 said:Hey I saw Handle Magazine at the Mowbray Marketplace Newsagency... so I read your article in the newsagent (was strapped for cash LOL). - can't believe they let me do that heehee... but i know where to go now when I am looking for some basketball fix.
Shoes said:Just got an email back from my complaint from the editor he says the article will be bigger from now onwoot