I think i'll hold onto it and hope that Wall can get his **** together and the others improve a little. I'm spewing that I traded my Rose certified gold patch...![]()
as am i on my Griffin mate

I think i'll hold onto it and hope that Wall can get his **** together and the others improve a little. I'm spewing that I traded my Rose certified gold patch...![]()
as am i on my Griffin mate![]()
Well ill fess up......I sold my Nash green auto #/5 to a member here (who is the number 1 Nash collector) for what i paid....$100.
I know it wont be sold and it helped out a fellow collector so I really dont care, but seeing one on ebay for $599 BIN now stings a little ...LOL.
I've had a bad run on cashing in too early. Especially with Mr Rubio! F#ck he is really playing some good ball and his prices are nuts! I probably missed out on $100 all together. But thats how the hobby goes! God I hate hypes!
and you were there trying to skim a few bucks off me when i sold to you for like $20 - kiddingyeh when things jump it jumps. same thing with blake griffin last year (as I recall you got some bargains off me also, but sold a tad too early yourself)
You didn't sell me anything Rubio bro. I offered to trade you the TT rookie auto for a couple certified rookie auto's I needed but I already had them. Luckily the only Blake thing I purchased from you was a NT jersey (Which I made $15 off). Kinda spewing I didn't buy the classics auto off you for $60 though
i think i sold abs mem blake rc auto /100 auto to you a few months b4 he took off
anyway you just never know with these cards. for each ricky and blake there are a hundred fryes, randolphs and blairs![]()
These are nice looking cards no doubt. The greens I can sort of understand because all of them are #/5 but the golds? Cmon man. Seeing the prices of them are crazy. Nothing can replace the PMG's. Those cards are just awesome. But if these cards keep these kind of prices (I doubt it) then that would be a frustrating thing for set collectors, all made by a little bit of hype from forums.
And this kind of thing really hurts young collectors like myself (14 yrs old) because I love these cards but I can't spend this amount of cards, which is a shame. I'd love to get awesome looking cards like these but with these ridiculous prices. Hopefully things like this don't happen often.
These are nice looking cards no doubt. The greens I can sort of understand because all of them are #/5 but the golds? Cmon man. Seeing the prices of them are crazy. Nothing can replace the PMG's. Those cards are just awesome. But if these cards keep these kind of prices (I doubt it) then that would be a frustrating thing for set collectors, all made by a little bit of hype from forums.
And this kind of thing really hurts young collectors like myself (14 yrs old) because I love these cards but I can't spend this amount of cards, which is a shame. I'd love to get awesome looking cards like these but with these ridiculous prices. Hopefully things like this don't happen often.
Gone are the days that card collecting was a kids hobby. The most I have spent on 1 card is $90. Card collecting is now very much an adults hobby. It's no longer go around swapping cards at school it's now bust a $500 box pull a card and put it on ebay. When would a kid be able to bust a box of NT? When would a kid be able to buy a PMG? A certified green? A MJ auto? A logoman?
The hobby is ridiculous. Sure we are able to pickup some nice cards but not the one's we want! They are so over priced and out of our range.
You've got something wrong there. Card collecting WAS a kid's hobby because there were no such things as 1/1s, printing plates, autos and even GUs. When the first GUs came out they were very expensive too and would've been out of your reach as well. Card collecting for a kid should just be about completing base sets and maybe insert sets. In that aspect, it's still the same today as it was 20 years ago. Who doesn't want a Blake Griffin Rookie Logoman Auto 1/1?