I'm interested in the Nogueira. Maybe we can work a trade when my box arrived.
Ok sounds good, i want a lesnar black or red mainly, the blacks go cheap but not the reds lol
2009 UFC Round 2 Bloodlines RED Antonio Nogueria #2/8 - eBay, UFC, Cards, Sports Mem, Cards Fan Shop. (end time 08-Oct-09 06:33:19 AEDST)
lol this red bar makes the card worth $65 more
if you get this card in the second link LMK i want all three lesnar and GSP bloodlines cards, i dont have the money for the bloodlines sigs
Topps UFC Brock Lesnar Bloodlines Black ONYX #23/88 ! - eBay, UFC, Cards, Sports Mem, Cards Fan Shop. (end time 12-Oct-09 14:45:21 AEDST)
---------- Post added 06-10-2009 at 03:44 PM ----------
UFC Bloodlines RED items at low prices on eBay.com.au