tnp box break ozcard comp


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Hey guys.
Just did a box break.
Wasn't as lucky as i wanted to be.
Got 1 sharp shooter
1 Matildas card
2 midfield generals
2 team captains
15 silvers
5 golds.
Thanks heap tnp for the competition
I wasn't any luckier.
14 Silvers
6 Gold
2 Midfield Generals
2 Team Captains
1 Rising Star
1 Matildas card
Although can't complain about a free box to have pulled a signature would have been a nice bonus.
Were any of the silvers or golds WSW players ? If so, would you be interested in trading ?
A couple were. Due to the number of parallels was originally only going to go a Roar set but starting to look at a Master Set will let you know if I decide to give up and get rid of them though.
I'll e putting a post up selling the spares off. Im only after sigs now at the rite price
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