Having busted a couple of boxes one thing I will say is putting together a parallel set is going to be hard work.
The breakdown of inserts from 72 packs was
Parallel 23
Rising Rookies 18
AB spotlight 12
Greatest six hitters 6
Duos 7
Legends Shield 4
Sigs 2
Ratios are pretty much spot on, does anyone know how many cases in the release? 600?
If my maths is correct the rarest cards outside the sigs are actually parallels with only 360 of each card. The numbered hit shields are 750 of each.
The breakdown of inserts from 72 packs was
Parallel 23
Rising Rookies 18
AB spotlight 12
Greatest six hitters 6
Duos 7
Legends Shield 4
Sigs 2
Ratios are pretty much spot on, does anyone know how many cases in the release? 600?
If my maths is correct the rarest cards outside the sigs are actually parallels with only 360 of each card. The numbered hit shields are 750 of each.