TLA Player In Focus Limited Edition Cards - Released Each Monday 12pm

This is going to kill me, but I completely forgot about the following week and don’t have a GF winning PIF card. If anyone had ordered more then one and wants to sell I will pay $30 for it?
All season we were getting cards approx 2 weeks after the round finished and now for some unknown reason, they can't send the final 2 (T Sims& J Manu) cards to us in a reasonable time. It has been 8 weeks since the first two weeks of the finals. Absolutely Ridiculous and unacceptable service. What is their excuse?
All season we were getting cards approx 2 weeks after the round finished and now for some unknown reason, they can't send the final 2 (T Sims& J Manu) cards to us in a reasonable time. It has been 8 weeks since the first two weeks of the finals. Absolutely Ridiculous and unacceptable service. What is their excuse?
I reckon every person on here should ring them and complain and tell everyone else not on here to do the same, then all they will say is put it in an email, then you may get a response in 2-3 weeks. MAY.
I reckon every person on here should ring them and complain and tell everyone else not on here to do the same, then all they will say is put it in an email, then you may get a response in 2-3 weeks. MAY.
Spoke with Simon this afternoon, simms and manu should be arriving or out this week sometime.
They are leaving the miscut lewis card as it stands, too expensive to reprint atm.
During next season it will be reprinted and sent out to those who purchased them.
Hope this clarifys some conjecture.
Hi everyone,

Just got an update from Simon a short time ago:

In the past 2-3 weeks it has been brought to TLA’s attention that the PIF Cards for Finals Week’s 1 and 3 have not been received by collectors.

TLA has taken up the issue with our distributor who explained this was due a printing error on both cards. Due to the high standards of production TLA work towards, the cards were deemed unfit for distribution. This issue has now been resolved and both lots of cards will be dispatched this Friday Nov. 16th, with delivery to be expected the following week (or slightly longer depending on location).

TLA would like to apologise and thank our collectors for their patience with this, and for their support of the Player In Focus program in 2018. The program has been highly successful in its first year, albeit having a few teething problems, and we hope to grow and produce more quality cards in this area in 2019.

The TLA Trading Cards Team
Hi everyone,

Just got an update from Simon a short time ago:

In the past 2-3 weeks it has been brought to TLA’s attention that the PIF Cards for Finals Week’s 1 and 3 have not been received by collectors.

TLA has taken up the issue with our distributor who explained this was due a printing error on both cards. Due to the high standards of production TLA work towards, the cards were deemed unfit for distribution. This issue has now been resolved and both lots of cards will be dispatched this Friday Nov. 16th, with delivery to be expected the following week (or slightly longer depending on location).

TLA would like to apologise and thank our collectors for their patience with this, and for their support of the Player In Focus program in 2018. The program has been highly successful in its first year, albeit having a few teething problems, and we hope to grow and produce more quality cards in this area in 2019.

The TLA Trading Cards Team
another update today, they have not been distributed as yet, the printer was off sick, and he is onto them now.
How much bull crap can 1 company dish out.
they sound like a company you see on a current affair, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie-----------
sounds like they are going broke to me.? dynamic marketing
Well 2019 is done and dusted for me, cannot put up with this crap anymore.
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