First of all, apologies to people who were waiting last night to see what had come out. I didn't think anyone was looking and I got lazy and turns out I was wrong - I won't do it again.
So, cracked open the half box of 13-14 UD Black and got a Mashburn base, Grant Jerrett Rookie Auto (who the f is that???) and this:
Was pretty stoked to pull a nice low numbered Bill Russell auto, have done well out of the Black with 2 half boxes so far and a LeBron auto out of the other half box.
Next was 13-14 Totally Certified, with a really bad rookie redemption card (which will be going straight to zeeman to join his other bad redemptions

) and a couple of GU's including Drummond and Devin Harris. Sounds bad until you see these:
Giannis numbered /49 and Wall /25. Off to a pretty decent start without hitting anything mind-boggling.
Next is Fleer Retro, was really annoyed with this because I mainly bought this box for the inserts I'm still yet to own one of such as the Star Power Supreme, Final Four, Exclamation Points among others. Got a Reggie Miller Star Rubies /50 which is nice and going straight into the PC but already have the LeBron and wanted something different. Also got 2 Final Four's of horrible players so still looking for a better one of them. 2 PMG's are OK, but again shocking players (which is the theme with this college stuff, you either hit it big time or get shot down in flames). The saviour of the box was the 'Zo redemption, which will replace my Alex English in the PC. So for a box with sh!tloads of inserts I didn't get anything different than what I already have
Next up was the Titanium. This is the second box of that I have bought, ignoring the bad reviews and trying my luck. Basically it's not even worth mentioning what came out, was pretty happy to end up with this numbered /8:
The 13-14 Intrigue is up next, another low level 2014 draft redemption card but overall was pretty happy with this box with the below 3 cards. Unbelievably, after 3 boxesof this stuff i don't have 1 player's base card out of the 190 players I keep in the PC, seriously. Also haven't seen many Derrick Coleman autos around so I am now torn between keeping my Ron Harper Immortalized Gold /10 or the Derrick:
The next one which was 10-11 Panini Season Update, I bought for 2 reasons:
1. The potential to pull a John Wall RC auto
2. How cheap the box was compared to the chance of pulling a John Wall RC auto
Should have kept the money. These cards are bloody ugly and it doesn't matter if you get 250-300 cards in a box, if they are all bad and ugly they are no good! The only thing I can take from this experience is an ugly LJ JSY card which will go proudly into the PC.
The 12-13 Panini Signatures put me back on track, admittedly there were Norris Cole and Marvin Williams auto's, but there was this beauty numbered /49:
My only concern is that I have a Jimmy Butler Crusade RC auto waiting to be sent from Panini, and this has been waiting for a looong time. I think JB may be on strike with respect to signing cards and stickers!
To continue on a nice box comes another fairly decent box of Absolute 12-13. Again, nothing jaw-dropping but a nice Vucevic RC auto and ANOTHER BLOODY REDEMPTION!
Down to the final 2 so got the 13-14 Prizm out of the way. Still not sure why I bought this box, I already have most base I want and a heap of the inserts. After getting down to the final few packs I had pulled complete rubbish and then saw the gold... Always one for enjoying the suspense I slowly slid the card covering the gold knowing that it's my time to hit a Lebron or similar... and out comes Tony Allen. Nothing against Tony Allen, but this card is really bad considering what could have been. I'm actually starting to get known as "the King of pulling crap Gold's'. My collection of awful gold's will rival the best of crap gold collections. Luckily Vince came out to save the day at the end:
Finally we're into the last box of the night, and the first I have of the 14-15 Excalibur (or Crusade as it used to be known lol). Panini really need to sort out their collation, it's really annoying being a collector who keeps anything from base to 1/1 whatever's and getting bloody doubles in boxes with 60 cards!!! Anyway, below are the main hits which are actually not that bad:
Thanks for reading and I'll do this on a new thread in real time for next time!