The_pie 05/06 Hoops

Good luck with the rest Pie...hope you pull a Lebron auto!!! Don't forget to check my wantlist below as I'm after a few more of the 05/06 Hoops to finish my set!!!
I'm pretty sure it's hobby All Stars, as it says that on each packet...

Matty, I have no idea who reggie evans is thus the ? lol

20th pack
odom, kidd, Giracek
Luther Head RC
MJ profiles 4
Reggie Evans is the guy that grabbed Chris Kaman's nuts in the playoffs last year

not much of a player but can rebound
thanks for the info Matty

22nd pack J rich, Kwame, Haywood
Bass RC...Saw the hornets jersey and got excited for a second...
LBJ profiles 5
haha cheers mate!
last packet
J will, gerald wallace, Gasol, Marion
MJ profiles 2

at least i dont recall any doubles lol!

Thanks for watching, scans up later!
haha it would want to be in full considering there is only 8 letters in his whole name!!!

bad luck mate, no doubles cept on the profiles??
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