The World Is Going To End - Chad & TW Engaged ?

Congrats guys!!! As long as you didnt wake up, and say "woah, what did I do last night".....

Took you long enough tho!! Couldnt have left it much longer I don't think...

Imagine Kobe & Roge walking the eisle as Flower Cats (and yes, they shall require Celts Green).

Is there going to be a "One Night In Brighton, QLD" just like Paris did???? ;)
Nice work Chad =D> Sounds like you were very studly while popping the question. Congrats to both you guys. Lots of wedded bliss a-happening on the boards!
congradulations chad.all the best to you both and i hope you both have many years of happiness.and when do the little chaddies start poping out :lol:
tony :D

Lol, what would you do Chad if one of your Chaddies turns out to be a Lakers man.:D
Congradulations Chad and Tighty Whitey's!

So which Havlicek 1/1 will be the best man? I'd go for an uncirculated superfractor, more sturdy. Throw a nice little bowtie on him and that'll be perfect! Then you need some lakers cards to cut up instead of the traditional rice ;)
Congrats Chad & TW. Didn't you say at 1 time that you'd never get married too???

Brad - I say cut up some Celtic commons (like Bird, Havlicek, Pierce), then they'd have green & white confetti. Betther than the purple & gold confetti....

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