The Well Trained Women of Ozcards

My wife (currently wadling round like a duck after delivering a 10 lb baby on Friday) is yr typical card collector wife - ie the most interest I get is "how much did that cost?"
OMG, guys this is the best laugh one could ever have.

You've got 1 guy with a Mrs who buys him cards, you've got another wanting his to get trained, you've got one who's got an Accountant on his back, then you've got one waddling like a duck. Oh, and another who's mother doesnt like cards, unless it's a A-A-A-A Report Card....

Great read, and well done Matt, you've got her trained.

Danni said to me last Sunday "I've done the housework now", so I said "I'll be there in a sec to take the chains off".

Oh dear, it's a great community... only in OzCards....
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