Carmen is the biggest winner from this documentary. Her cards are going up for sure
Ep 8 : Reggie Miller - great quote about retiring MJ
But MJ still won yeah?
Like the old adage, 'Champions find a way'.
MJ is a champion. He might be an utter **** but in the game, he certainly was a winner.
You'll find that many of the idols sport has nominated as the GOAT, they're usually ice cold, narcissistic, ultra competitive. Bradman comes to mind, in cricket.
Not even a sleeve for poor old Kerr.Family photo. Nawwww
Family photo. Nawwww
Not even a sleeve for poor old Kerr.
No Sleeve Steve haha.
Great little bundle there
Edit: my sh!tty eyesight. No Sleeve Steve still sounded good though.
I'll see myself out