I know that quoting YOURSELF is the same as "liking" your own Facebook post, but these are desperate times gentlemen!!
The pay dispute has reached breaking point, with 230 cricketers now left unemployed. It is an extremely sorry state of affairs, but in times of crisis you must separate the men from the boys....the leaders from the followers.
To this end, I call on the following OzCardTrader General Cricket Forum contributors from 1st October 2016 to current (it's taken me all f**king morning to search pages and pages of posts!

) to make themselves available for national selection! I will update this post (or a new one a bit later!) with a list of candidates.
@The Mad Hatter @bigrob2307 @Scotty_WCE @aflcards2015 @Keatoboy @Wookiedragon @Angry @Parrapaul @Eels Guru @Brendan_B @Jayden35 @220 @Mogg06 @aussiecricketer @mounteverest @Matt26 @BLOWN8 @aussie26 @nazimcricket
Please reply below - including your batting, bowling and fielding preferences - and we will form a mighty, fighting team. You've heard of the Invincibles. Well, let us be known as...er...um....the Unmentionables!!