Ladbrokes is just doing this for publicity.
No doubt,
have they come out and offered the same for the Broncos/Tigers NRL last weekend where the NRL have admitted they got the decision wrong that decided the game.
Ladbrokes is just doing this for publicity.
Just saw Bancroft's press conference that was held this afternoon after he arrived back in Perth. It hit me hard - the hardest anything has in this whole saga. The poor guy is shattered, and he could barely keep the tears in. There is no doubt he is genuinely sorry.
I think we should all take it a bit easy on the three guys. It's not a matter of life or death. Bancroft, who has had a clean record up until this point in his career, has made one mistake - and unlike when the rest of us make mistakes, his is being played out in national and international media coverage to enormous levels of discussion and outrage. We've all done things and looked back shortly after and thought "Why on earth did I just do that? What was I thinking?". And as well as this, he has to deal with the loss of his Test dream for a fair period of time - the one thing he has worked towards his whole life. It must be so hard to deal with. I feel for him.
Edit: Just saw Smith's as well. Wow, he was even more emotional than Bancroft. So very hard to watch.![]()
Okay. I personally feel for them on a human level. Each to their own.Waaaah - poor babies.... Do the crime, do the time. Tough ti**ies to all three of them who thought they were better than the game... They weren't too emotional about their actions til they got busted...
Yeah both press conferences were very hard to watch. I’ve always tried to like Dave Warner because he was exciting and played hard for the team I supported. But there was always a level of arrogance that I’ve never liked, I prefer humble sportsmen and he’s never been one. And now, I actually hope he doesn’t play for our country again to be honest. Although still angry, some time has passed and given us all a chance to reflect, I’m now not as pi55ed off but more extremely disappointed this happened. Smith and Bancroft I can forgive one day and hope they both fight hard to earn all our respect back and again represent this great country.
Who coached the last BBL winner?
Don`t rule out Ricky Ponting as a long term prospect ......