The Amazing Race (Season Premier Tonight)

man you were way off dude the old couple won the last leg of the race and those hippies got last :lol: i just hope the frat boys dont win it, dont they come to australia next?
yes they do. I have a gut feeling its gonna be Queenslad. Im with you mate i hop the Frats dont win. Fran and Barry are my outsiders, i rekon they are a show. but GO THE HIPPIES.

I feel sorry for them
Cardshark said:
man you were way off dude the old couple won the last leg of the race and those hippies got last :lol:

Yep, my prediction went down in flames. At least it was a non-elimination leg.

I reckon they go to QLD too, and the shorts looked like they were snorkelling on the Great Barrier Reef.

Still pick Fran & Barry for elimination on this leg.

god damn Fran and Barry, they were my outsiders!!! :(

ahh well i hope team MoJo go next as they completely disrespect the Hippies.

Good olf Freo Jail, should have locked the Frat boys in there lol.
i want this order.
Winners - Hippies
2nd - Ray and Yo
3rd - Dont Care
4th - Dont care

Team MoJO and The Frat Boys i hate so much. I want the Frat Boys to get eliminated next.

go Australia...
How weird were all the "Aussie Accents"!!!

It was like they were all voiced over.

And did you see they subtitled that guy when he was talking. I mean, c'mon, the guys speaking English. Do we really need sub-titles???
Why spoil it man. God i hate it when people do that.

Im with ya there Clarkey the aussie accents were shockin lol. And yes that our great old Cab drivers (Taxi's). Next weeks episode looks cool.
YEAH I was watching that.... and I tell you what.... I was like "they hire fake aussies too?" cos they sounded so damn fake like Mick Brumby did on Jag those years ago.... *sigh*
Anyone see tonight, the Hippies again survived through a non-elimination.
Man alot of bitching was going on in that episode, i enjoyed watching them Skydive out of all the tasks =D>

go ray and yo and Hippies
i hate the other two pairs
Yeah the Hippies stuffed up when one of them tried to take that short cut near the end - STUPID !!! They were miles in from of Monica !!!
how bad was it when those ****s cancelled Ray and yo's and the Hippies cabs.

But it was funny when they all blamed it on the MoJo lol :).

Oh and the tasks were pretty tough, but cool.

SPecial mention to the hippies they are a crack up. Startin a rumour about Monica and one of the Frat boys, pisser@!!! :)
oh what a episode, this series is turning out to be pretty good. Sucked in MoJo, always were gonna crack with that little sook Monica, its a shame your like that with ya looks :(.

MOJO were the biggest dicks, that monica was a whinny bitch.

I unfortunatly know who wins it all but am psyched for the 2 hour finale. :)
Bring it on....
GO Hippies. I have gut feeling Ray and Yo will take it out however, the quiet couple won last series so im thinking these guys might just do it@!!

But go Hippies :)
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