Well! Teamcoach 2015 has began! Better get busy! Looks like there are Auskick Mastercode tags to keep aware of. The good news is that it is far more collectible than the Auskick cards.
As noted, they made the right choice this time around in regards to the silvers and golds designs. Also some interesting looking cards out there. Just a pity no Superheroes, unless there's something special going on there.
Looking at the trend, I get the feeling that it's one prize card for each team that is available. There looks like there will still be 3 cards per team, but one of each team is exclusive only to the album (Then again, I get the suspect feeling you can perhaps win the album prize card if you really want to). I guess the major purpose is basically to make it easier to get a team set. You only have to worry about getting two of the prize cards to win, the third one you can trade.
I think the point about codes being even easier to access also suggests how much harder it is going to win this time around now that more people have access to the better players.
The good news is, I think there should be an easier time getting 18 of the prize cards. The bad news... getting the other 36. Well, I know my strategy, Melbourne first, because the popular teams everyone's gonna get.
In other news, where the heck are the 2013 prize cards? How is it so difficult to get the 2013s? It's just amazing to think that in the era of the '3 card prize,' you have one year where finding at least one of the prize cards is a hard enough task.
Semi bad news as I've pulled Menzel and Yarran from the 3 albums I've bought. Unless they made a mistake I think more than 1 per team are available.
Where is this website? Meant to be open today!
Nice review footyfan13.
Ahhh 2013 what a year!! Sticker cards, 3D cards, launch of the app...and all manner of issues with that and the website. From memory another very late release (surprise, surprise) and changes to the game rules where it was only the Top 20 round winners who got prize cards, not the Top 25.
If you were lucky enough to score a prize card it was usually late, or the wrong one, and also mumblings that one of the prime 'leakers' wasn't involved with TC (or so the story goes!). Some prize cards did find there way to ebay, but nowhere near as many.
So you got a sense that 2013 was a bit of a shambled, and I also seem to recall that the overall supply of cards seemed lower than normal and they seemed to run out of boxes quite early.
The prize cards also seemed to be in short supply. My son won one in the last few rounds, and got sent the wrong one, and when we contacted TC, were told none of that card he wanted were left. (Can't remember what card it was now - too many brain cells ago!)
The 2013 prize cards still pop up now and again on eBay, but nothing like prize cards from other years.
Of course the more obvious question is why are there so many prize cards from other years that just seems to appear out of nowhere??
So in hindsight maybe 2013 was the year where TC treated the prize cards like real prize cards, and the supply was limited.
Of course with this year's release of cards with codes that unlock all players in a team, and prize cards in albums you can't help wonder if TC haven't copped flak from parents about their little darlings not being able to play the games because they can't get the 'good' players and they never can win a prize card.
Or their little darling's Avatar is never voted as the best Avatar to win a prize card either, or they can't 'win' one from the random basis that TC seem to award prize cards on the site for no apparent reason.
Maybe they have created a rod for their own back, if parents don't see their little darlings winning a prize card, they won't buy any more packs. I mean we seem to be giving in a world where every kid in a class has to win a merit certificate at least one during the year. Everyone's a winner baby!
But having prize cards available upfront is strange, but I guess we'll have to wait until the website opens to find out what the new TopStats game is and how prize cards are won, and if they are the same as what's in the albums. It's all a bit much, I might need to lay down for a while.
....and no you can't have a pic of that!![]()
Nice review footyfan13.
Ahhh 2013 what a year!! Sticker cards, 3D cards, launch of the app...and all manner of issues with that and the website. From memory another very late release (surprise, surprise) and changes to the game rules where it was only the Top 20 round winners who got prize cards, not the Top 25.
If you were lucky enough to score a prize card it was usually late, or the wrong one, and also mumblings that one of the prime 'leakers' wasn't involved with TC (or so the story goes!). Some prize cards did find there way to ebay, but nowhere near as many.
So you got a sense that 2013 was a bit of a shambled, and I also seem to recall that the overall supply of cards seemed lower than normal and they seemed to run out of boxes quite early.
The prize cards also seemed to be in short supply. My son won one in the last few rounds, and got sent the wrong one, and when we contacted TC, were told none of that card he wanted were left. (Can't remember what card it was now - too many brain cells ago!)
The 2013 prize cards still pop up now and again on eBay, but nothing like prize cards from other years.
Of course the more obvious question is why are there so many prize cards from other years that just seems to appear out of nowhere??
So in hindsight maybe 2013 was the year where TC treated the prize cards like real prize cards, and the supply was limited.
Of course with this year's release of cards with codes that unlock all players in a team, and prize cards in albums you can't help wonder if TC haven't copped flak from parents about their little darlings not being able to play the games because they can't get the 'good' players and they never can win a prize card.
Or their little darling's Avatar is never voted as the best Avatar to win a prize card either, or they can't 'win' one from the random basis that TC seem to award prize cards on the site for no apparent reason.
Maybe they have created a rod for their own back, if parents don't see their little darlings winning a prize card, they won't buy any more packs. I mean we seem to be giving in a world where every kid in a class has to win a merit certificate at least one during the year. Everyone's a winner baby!
But having prize cards available upfront is strange, but I guess we'll have to wait until the website opens to find out what the new TopStats game is and how prize cards are won, and if they are the same as what's in the albums. It's all a bit much, I might need to lay down for a while.
....and no you can't have a pic of that!![]()
I just took a look. Looks like there's two prize cards per team. So that makes things even easier. 36 Prize cards to get through the albums, 18 (one per team) that are game exclusive.
That is a weird decision, but at least it makes things easier.
I haven't collected teamcoach for 10-12 years, although I saw them this year, picked up an album and some packs and it brought back some great memories. Just wondering how the website works in terms of the games and is it the top players who get the prize cards or is there something else I'm missing? Thanks guys for any help
Great postYes, saw the super power comp reference as well on the loading screen, but it indicated a closing date in 2018. So obviously a few years off yet
I can't claim the same number of years of experience as footyfan13 as we only jumped onboard in 2006 or 2007, but the prize card arrangement has changed a lot since then. In those days it was based on gold cards and those had to be sent into TC to claim the prize, which was a complete set of prize cards for your team, and it was basically a complete alternative set of cards. At the end of the season the top ranked players over the course season got a complete set of alternative set of prize cards for all teams (Ahhh...memories...like the corner of my mind!)
Since that time the collection has become more & more focused on kids, and just round by round, with no overall season winners.
So now in 2015 with all the prize cards in albums you wonder why you'd even bother playing the online games. Let's be realistic - how can anybody predict the stats of players for this new TopStats game?
I would have thought that providing 1 prize card per team in the album would have been appropriate, but by making them all available what it has done is effectively kill off the profit margins in the so called 'secondary market' as the prices of these prize cards are now nowhere near as horrendous as in previous years, when people are bidding for limited cards.
So maybe that is a good thing, but it may also means that people start withdrawing from buying cards to participate in the secondary market, which no doubt over time will impact on TC's sales.
Simply relying on mums and dads buying packs and albums for the little darlings is not going to drive sales in the long term.
But as Matt26 indicated on one of the other threads on this forum, TC have a gaming card license for their releases, so there will always have to be a game, and any game must have prizes, and ultimately winners and losers. Making everyone a winner with everyone getting a prize card does little to prepare kids for the realities of life. Life is not like Auskick were you don't keep score and there are no winners or losers.
So if you step back and look at this there is a bit going on with this release, and how TC positions itself for the future. In my own mind this release is going back to the pre-2013 days, with no gimmicks like stickers, glow in the dark. Maybe that's a good thing, but will it hold the kids interest??
So after those deep and meaningfuls...when is the existing iPad/iPhone app going to be updated or a new 2015 TC app released?????
In the meantime as the website requires flash, there are ways to run in on an an apple device, but you will need to get an app to do that such as Photon, and fiddle a bit with the options to get it to run. But it's do-able. More details about that at http://www.macworld.co.uk/how-to/ipad/how-get-flash-ipad-3460979/
This has been a community service announcement....![]()
Great post
Surely prize cards are only worth as much as albums now?