what's going on here? anything happening? there's been no word for 2 weeks...
By the looks of things, don't think there will be a card show in Sydney well into February
typical.. i bet its when im away LOL
i actually switched my weekends off to coincide with the card shows and now there isnt any haha
hey man, have we met before at the show?
i believe we have briefly met, but i dont get to many because i typically have to work
can we make the show at annandale pub or leichardt hall like previous ones. i cant be asked going all the way out to mount pritchard and most others would agree as well.
i wouldnt agree, thats making a 45min trip into over an hour and a half for me
i wouldnt agree, thats making a 45min trip into over an hour and a half for me
i only say that because that is the middle of sydney. rchmond is the outer edge.
to me it makes sense to have t in the middle so ts far for every1
But having it in the middle of sydney wouldn't suit most people to be honest due to parking restrictions (or paying for it) etc
It wouldn't bother me either way but I doubt the majority of people who could go would if it was in Sydney over a western sydney location.
Just woundering if the demographics of most collectors who could attend this would be from Sydney or if they would be from Western Sydney.
Looks like the first show will be either the 11th or 18th April.
Venue needs to be confirmed before any more details are released