One for the investors, where do we see the price of sealed boxes of 2021 Supremacy reaching? Current highest auction price on Ebay, is 1305 with less than 2 days remaining.
What’s everyone’s thoughts about prices so far? Buying and selling I’ve found to be difficult with this series.
Just saw one broken with Busustow Sig and Non-Sig and a Bailey Smith Gold and Silver.Opened my box. Interesting that it contained two Jim Buckley and two Jack Viney cards, though hit a nice low number with the signature.
Its not smudged, its dirt on the patch piece and around the window is the background effect that is the same as behind him.Only one I've seen is via Cherry break last night.
Has anyone seen a Taylor Adams booklet patch auto that isn't smudged?
Surely Select know they are going to be sent back and the wheels are already in motion in regards to replacements?
Agree - if Select ever released the number of God boxes, and there were still some unaccounted for, prices could skyrocket. Counter to that being if they are all accounted for, and no huge hits left, I suspect 800-1000.
Prices seem high for some. Top end of town very steep.
Silvers seem pretty cheap.
I feel like they have overdone the variations a little. I liked the one base set from 2019.Silvers are cheap because there are too many base variations.
well opened my 2 boxes and I got 11 cards in each and i got a low number signature but just my luck Karmichael Hunt - but as Dees supporter got aa Koshie signature and some other nice cards but nno booklets - I have one more box do I sell or open?
Just wondering if anyone can help me out with the best way to package and post a booklet card? Thanks in advance.
Consider placing penny sleeves over the card, inside the one-touch to prevent shakage resulting in scratched autos.I would have it in a booklet one touch, with the magnetic points taped with painters tape, wrapped in bubble wrap inside a box with more bubble wrap.
I go OTT when posting though