tis all part of the game ..i would have booed QLD if it was in sydney.... blues next yr!! GOULD AS COACH!Will say one thing, even though I love watching QLD win, the crowd booing and jeering when NSW was introduced AFTER the game demonstrated everything wrong with being a sports fan these days.
bastardo!!!This is gold................(or is it Maroon)............lol
tis all part of the game ..i would have booed QLD if it was in sydney.... blues next yr!! GOULD AS COACH!
soz .. i misread you .. agreed about the post game thing.. game over.. shake hands boys.. BTW why dont NRL players swap jersey after the game.. like i see in soccer games.... i been wondering that seeing they get a new one every game .. ??Yeah I'm saying it shouldn't be part of the post-game. And yes please make Gus coach, then we don't have to hear him sook in the commentary box when something doesn't go the Blues way, or prematurely ejaculate when something does go right.
tis all part of the game ..i would have booed QLD if it was in sydney.... blues next yr!! GOULD AS COACH!
Please no not GOULD................I agree at least we wouldn't have to listen to his piss poor commentary but he is a dinosaur with an over inflated opinion of his own self worth.
At Origin level they don't coach they man manage and from the spirit and passion the Blues showed both on the field and when interviewed has me convinced that Ricky Stuart is the right person........as long as he doesn't pick up a club gig.
That's why I'd love to see him coach and stumble and maybe eat some humble-pie...and I think it's going to be anyones series in 2013 so having that idiot coach can only help QLD, lol.
Qld are done, They are too old. We will win for the next 3 or 4 years atleast regardless of the coach.
As much as i hate hime, Sticky has earnt the right to be there for this.