just watched the highlights, 3 things

1. LeBron needs to get his headband

2. Allen's 3 was huge

3. That last play was foul and spurs were unlucky not to get it
I think this was Spurs chance.... is going to be insanely tough to win game 7, that said I hope they do :)

Then again it went spurs, heat, spurs, heat, spurs, heat right? If my memory serves (I haven't really cared til now ha ha) in which case... maybe just maybe its time for some spurs clutch!
Just watched the game. Out-Ray-gous! That 3 was clutch as hell.

Gotta say Spo is a nong, bringing Wade back in almost cost them the game, offense immediately turned to crap as soon as he hit the floor.

If I was Lebron I'd be burning the head band, as soon as it came of he unleashed haha.

I am certainly not claiming it is fixed or rigged in any way!

There were some HUGE calls that went bad though! Even the call on Lebron's fast break where they signalled Heat ball after he clearly touched it 2 more times after Green fell down?? lol They were not watching the play on that one! Lucky it was under 2:00 left!

There is NO ONE to blame except the Spurs all round for this! They had multiple opportunities to out this game away and failed! Badly!

Personally, I think Game 7 is irrelevant. I think the Spurs lost the championship today! :(

Either you shilled this a beauty or there are some banana brains out there!!!! Well done.
As Barkley says, it's time to come home LeBron. Time to shave off the remaining hairline and join the millions of bald, black men.. Same deal as Tiger Woods, it's really time to shave it off and accept that's how it is..
The Heat fans who left early are a bunch of tossers. Even if the Heat have lost, how about staying back to applaud the team and their efforts and for the season?

Some people won't be able to stand the sight of the Spurs getting the trophy... I think its all because of that.
I'd say it was about equal to the Duncan body slam on Bosh no call which lead to Gino getting 2 points ;)

Don't even try that one! lol
Watch it again. Bosh was getting pushed, but he lifted his second foot off the ground on his own! lol

Even if he did get fouled, there is no way he was getting that call after the flop that got him fined on an almost identical play last time!

Is clean block from bosh.. :thumbsup:

But the contact on Ray Allen on both of his 3pt plays last game were fouls?? lol

You can't pick and choose which plays the rules apply on! ;)

I am certainly not claiming it is fixed or rigged in any way!

There were some HUGE calls that went bad though! Even the call on Lebron's fast break where they signalled Heat ball after he clearly touched it 2 more times after Green fell down?? lol They were not watching the play on that one! Lucky it was under 2:00 left!

There is NO ONE to blame except the Spurs all round for this! They had multiple opportunities to out this game away and failed! Badly!

Personally, I think Game 7 is irrelevant. I think the Spurs lost the championship today! :(

Good post Adam. Looking at the whole thing, I don't know how the Spurs would lose this game. Yes, Green was fouled and if it was called, I won't dis-agree but the refs didn't. But that's not the reason why the Spurs lost, really.

I think Steve post was the reason why you guys lost:
Everyone on here is about to collectively die!!!! Hate to say it but bad coaching by pop taking Timmy out. Uuuuuuge shots.

I was ready to take my Heat jumper on and change it to something plain before I get back to work. Lebron made a couple of bad plays in a span of 11 secs and it made me think, "damn Lebron is choking again and he will be hearing about these moments probably for the rest of his career". That thinking didn't last for a long time :)

Then boom!!! Manu splits a FT with 28 secs left (5pt lead) - Lebron 3 - Leonard splits FT with 19 secs left (3pt lead) - RAY ALLEN 3! ---- OT!!! :)

Just got through 5 pages of ups and downs in this thread, ha ha.

I caught a little of the game at school and then watched the play by play and then the replay at home.

It's a shame people go straight for the refs. It really is. Manu had a crazy amount of TO's and the Kawhi FT miss was a killer.

Start of the 4th the Heat score 5 pts in a minute and I knew they were gonna come back.

Spurs did amazing to keep fighting. Absolutely amazing to keep coming back and get leads.

What an up and down game.

There is no way that's a foul on Bosh on Green, the NBA calls fouls up top and generally rarely below and Bosh got all ball (although Birdman got called for a foul where he got all ball up top and wrapped an arm around T.D down low).

If you watch an NBA game and worry about the refs calls too much you'll pull all of your hair out, just ask Lebron;)

Spurs are such a great team, I'm not so sure they can do it again game 7, it seems they've played their best basketball and the heat really haven't. A shame because they've definitely showed they want it more.
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