spgu case - happening now!

haha the old "we'll be back after this break" trick...but with cards


here it is... nothing too special player wise but the weaver is the top half of the logoman!

pack 4:
3star: parker duncan gervin /299
sig: jason smith
quad tag: deandre jordan dorsey weaver chalmers 10/10!!

Awsome man, not bad at all sweet with the logoman and cant argue with Chalmers on it aswell his not bad! Cant wait to see a scan eventually...do you know if Graeme (Hairyangryfella) has that yet? Also how many more box's to break?
pack 1:
3star: redick allen hornacek /299
4on4: davis camby thornton jordan vs bryant ariza morrisson bynum
multimark: harrington chandler noah lopez /50

unfortunately, just problems with the browser

pack 5:
combo: jordan pippen /499
6star: noah hawes law young wright thornton /99
sig: shelden williams