spgu case break.. MOJO!

Re: spgu case break.. box 3!

pack 3:
3star: malone hornacek stockton /299
6star: james milicic anthony bosh wade kaman /65 - very nice with the 3 kings ;)
multi: dooling afflalo
Re: spgu case break.. box 3!

I want to buy a Bobby Brown Auto. Seems like i'm the only one that doesn't have one haha.
Re: spgu case break.. box 3!

pack 4:
3star: hughes maggette howard /299
4on4: telfair foye carney cardinal vs mason weaver durant swift /65 - what's durant doing on this 8-piece disaster?
sig: mihm
Re: spgu case break.. box 3!

pack 6:
4some: durant roy okafor james /125
4some: hill bowen duncan parker /50
sig: jefferson /10 - these are cool!
Re: spgu case break.. box 3!

well that's another case done and dusted...

hope to get the scans up soon...

thanks to everyone for the mojo and keeping up with me...
Yeah KG was the most common one with 18 copies, still a cool card (and better than a lot you could have pulled). Actual logoman looks a bit retarded though....
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