Hi all, I joined this site a few months ago, and I have been blown away by some of the fantastic collections
and cards I have seen. I would also like to say, that the community you have created here is just awsome.
Now for me....over the years I spent a lot of my time, hunting on ebay. User id 'okramrajnoc' I'm a bit of a hoarder when it come to collectibles. So here are my main targets
●MJ- back in 1995 I had over 500 jordan cards, and most were in screw downs......(stolen)
●Drazen Petrovic
●Toni Kukoc
●Bernard King
●Chuck 'the rifleman' Person
so thats a bit about me and my main collection interests.
Thanks for having me.
and cards I have seen. I would also like to say, that the community you have created here is just awsome.
Now for me....over the years I spent a lot of my time, hunting on ebay. User id 'okramrajnoc' I'm a bit of a hoarder when it come to collectibles. So here are my main targets
●MJ- back in 1995 I had over 500 jordan cards, and most were in screw downs......(stolen)
●Drazen Petrovic
●Toni Kukoc
●Bernard King
●Chuck 'the rifleman' Person
so thats a bit about me and my main collection interests.
Thanks for having me.