Some explaining to do...

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Doesn't seem good on rodmans side. But I have dealt with him and things have always gone smoothly.

Always 2 sides to a story I guess.
Childish if it was him to make a new account and disrespect someone via msg and bring family into.
But there are many internet heroes.
Not saying Rodman is one as its not confirmed that its him yet but who knows

Best to keep out of this lol
Oh dear.. Is that the Canadian nutcase OMG?
Basically someone on another forum called Matt was giving him issues and when Rodman91 (also called Matt) asked him a question about the card the other Matt was interested in he got all tin-foil call the CIA conspiracy theory.

He then started harassing Rodman91 and asked us to see if it was the same person, it obviously was not (surprise surprise there is more than one person named Matt in Australia). After we had confirmed to him it was a different Matt he continued to badger Rodman91 via DM which was a bit silly as Graham, Billyhole and (oh shit call the CIA its another one) Matt26 were all members of the conversation.

Oh and for the record the other Matt in question was already banned from here from being dodgy.
@silvertapoutstar @kiwi_in_melb @wjrwebber @matty83
Looks like a messy situation which is a shame

Rodman91, What about the money you still owe Tom Atkinson and won't respond to any of his messages?
Maybe you should be staying on topic and use the Private message feature for this line of questioning. Food for thought ! Tom also owes other people money for cards. He is now banned from OCT... you don't normally get band for doing the right thing :whistle:
Looks like a messy situation which is a shame

Maybe you should be staying on topic and use the Private message feature for this line of questioning. Food for thought ! Tom also owes other people money for cards. He is now banned from OCT... you don't normally get band for doing the right thing :whistle:

I'm not sure that it was as major as the innuendo you are using is Terry. I'm pretty sure he never scammed anyone, not that I am saying anyone else here is.
Looks like a messy situation which is a shame

Maybe you should be staying on topic and use the Private message feature for this line of questioning. Food for thought ! Tom also owes other people money for cards yet he is now banned... why is that exactly

Any other person and you more than likely would not have replied. But that money is being discussed on the blowout version of this thread so it's relevant still IMO.
Looks like a messy situation which is a shame

Maybe you should be staying on topic and use the Private message feature for this line of questioning. Food for thought ! Tom also owes other people money for cards. He is now banned from OCT... you don't normally get band for doing the right thing :whistle:

1 Tom never received any cards so I fail to see how money's was owed
2 Tom never scammed anyone to get banned from ozct
3 Tom doesn't owe any others money just what you think he owes you
4 we all know Tom was only banned for advertising a group break on here not much different from having links to Comc, or other pages in your thread IMO
4 we all know Tom was only banned for advertising a group break on here not much different from having links to Comc, or other pages in your thread IMO
Very different - Tom was very clearly told not to advertise his group breaks on the site or he would be banned and continued to do so. Anyone else caught doing the same would have the same fate
Technically he was banned for private messaging group members bout his breaks not public ally advertising
Technically he was banned for private messaging group members bout his breaks not public ally advertising

Still against the rules, but not at all a moral wrong doing as one might interpret from posts above. I think we need to not stray from the original topic though. I think if there is any truth into a member here baiting another member here into being stupid, and then after they got banned going on with it on another forum that should be investigated and dealt with. No need to go around acting badly once a situation is sorted, and a member being banned is a situation sorted.
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