So just to be clear Andrew and Graham, ozcardtrader is requesting it's members to not say anything if they see something that is incorrect or misleading in someone's post? I think you need to be on the record stating that you are okay with members being blatantly deceptive and providing incorrect information to improve sales, so that members can know exactly what their options are and also the morals the site stands for.
I completely agree with this rule and how it is explained. A seller is totally within their right to ask for double the 'going' rate if they feel inclined. And it is rude to share your opinions on the card being listed if they are of a negative variety. I've never done this and just move along when I see something that I may question.
I took specific interest in the recent post in question though, because I was considering purchasing the card. If the seller had listed it for sale and I disagreed with the price or saw that they were selling for less on Ebay, I would've left it and moved on. That's not what he did though. As I detailed in my post (that's been deleted) HE STATED ebay sales figures in his thread as a way to show buyers they were getting a good deal. I wasn't commenting on his desired sale prices or the quality of the card he was trying to sell. Because I was interested in buying the card I checked those figures he mentioned and found them to be incorrect and also deceptive. He quoted incorrect sales on 2 different posts in his thread. Once, may possibly be human error, but twice is an intentional effort to mislead. Especially when your opening line in the thread is
So either he is being dishonest about the figures or about having done any research. I did research and found out quickly that his figures were very misleading and incorrect.
I never questioned the condition of the card at any time or even the price he was asking. I questioned his incorrect and misleading use of data and also the way he used these incorrect figures to label the cards as a 'bargain'. I posted a response because I was very close to buying the card
BASED on the figures he'd stated, and was quite surprised and upset to find that they were EXCEPTIONALLY misleading. I could've patted myself on the back, happy that I dodged a bullet and moved on. Meanwhile, someone less experienced and who doesn't know how to research well takes the seller on their word and buys the card thinking they got a bargain. Then they find out later they were actually mislead and overpaid and take a loss on the card. I would feel like crap if I found out this happened to someone and I'd just 'moved on' when I knew it was a lie. If ozcardtrader is okay with that, then just let it be known that we are a community of collectors looking out for ourselves and buyers beware. I even had someone PM me shortly after I posted, thanking me for the information as they too were thinking seriously about buying it.
As I see it, this rule works both ways. Sellers are able to list whatever cards they like for however much they like. It's not the buyers place to mention Ebay or COMC prices. But when the
SELLER themselves introduces previous sales as a marketing tool.....
and the information is incorrect, other site members have every right to point this out.
I'm not trying to cause trouble and am happy to keep to myself and not mention anything in the future. If this is the environment the site is going for though, I'll be making sure to let others know so they are aware that they may be mislead. Sorry for any troubles caused.
P.S. In the seller's response to my post, no apology was offered for the misleading figures. They were just edited shortly after, with no mention of the editing (I have screenshots to show this). The issue I have with the response though was the members statement that it was on BUYERS to do their research.....insinuating that it's their own fault if they get mislead. Due diligence is important......but so is trust in a small community like this.