It happened just below our windows at work. ****** saw it all happen and ****** and I were sitting at our desks and just looked up at each other when we heard 5 shots (there were definitely 5 despite news reports saying there were more). We were at the window within a couple of seconds, where we stood for the next 50 minutes watching it all happen. When we got to the window the three people were on the ground and everyone had scattered - I guess just to duck for cover. Two of them moved a bit but the guy who dies didn't move at all.
It was awful. The body of the guy who died is still just lying out on the street and he dies at 5 to 9. ( I feel so sad for him - its so wrong to leave him out there all alone on the cold road!) They tried to revive him for over half an hour - it was pretty weird watching the paramedics take t in turns pumping at his chest!
******* has given statements to police and is also going to be interviewed by Channel 7. We were locked in the building until about half hour ago. There are cops everywhere and they have taken over the street with mobile offices.
Scary stuff!