not after any particular ones, just collect when they come up, at the right price, which is limited now, put them away then try make a set from time to time, last set I am putting together, is the 1995 with the hatrick card, featuring, nearly finished one just need some chase cards, cant remember what they are will have a look later, cheers Mark,
not after any particular ones, just collect when they come up, at the right price, which is limited now, put them away then try make a set from time to time, last set I am putting together, is the 1995 with the hatrick card, featuring, nearly finished one just need some chase cards, cant remember what they are will have a look later, cheers Mark,
not after any particular ones, just collect when they come up, at the right price, which is limited now, put them away then try make a set from time to time, last set I am putting together, is the 1995 with the hatrick card, featuring, nearly finished one just need some chase cards, cant remember what they are will have a look later, cheers Mark,