Well what a cluster truck this is, just spoke with Robbie and asked on behalf of collectors everywhere if there will be a series 2 this year and she replied that there will be. I asked her about the comment on their facebook page posted by a Select employee on Monday that said they were unsure if series 2 would happen. Robbie was unsure who posted that and why and intimated it must have been someone else. I said surely not, it had to have been a Select representative authorised to make statements.
I tried to explain to Robbie that statements such as that are very confusing to the collector who is wanting information on the product but she would not budge and said no information would be released until the flyers were printed and released just before the product was released in July.............WTF, I thought it was an August release due to printing issues.........
Oh, she also asked if I would remove my post on their facebook page and I told her no way...................lol