Selling Everthing !!

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All the more reason to grab em mate !! you reakon you can make a profit !!
and your not a lazy ass like me..hehehe
andrew3134 said:
congrats on selling your collection, whoever bought them got a great deal. Hope your not leaving us Steve.

Thanks mate not leaving the hobby all together....just scaling back for now...
The initial cost of getting intto racing and bashing nitro trucks is somewhat pricey...once theyve been purchaced its pretty reasonable..
So ittl be time for that new player !!!
No good to see your leaving the hobby but im sure you will be back, people always come back :P sorry i never got that maggette to you that i owe you i feel bad for taking so long now. When you get back into the hobby & choose a new player let me know :)
Well done Stevo! I'm keen to see who you will be collecting in the near future aswell. Looks like I'll be scaling back significantly very soon also.
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