Selling Everthing !!

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Old perth boy
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Due to my decision to start truck racing in multiple catagories something had to give...the old budgets just not up to it...
So here we go....$600 and you get EVERYTHING ive got ....Thats every card on my site (incl the maggette collection)...all trade cards,inserts,jerseys,#cards....there are close to 700 cards roughly...(no base cards).
So do the math...LESS THAN A BUCK EACH !!!
All cards are in sleaves and in folders except the few in also receive 4 new scewdowns still in packet,toploaders,sleaves,2 new 90 page folders .locals ONLY also receive all base cards (17 boxes>>note these will not be posted).
Ide prefer a wa buyer but am willing to post (POSTAGE IS INCLUDED).
There are still many more cards not on my tradesite,but am adding them asap..
Price is FIXED !!!
Oh yeah and Stevo.....NNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!! You can't leave already.....well maybe can....I have a feeling you'll be back. Like you said it's in the blood!!
Ye ryan... its a fair bitta cash but when you concider whats up for grabs its well worth it...
Dont know if ill have much luck tho.....seems every1 wants to pick out the cream of the crop ....understandable i guess...
What are you doing Steve ?

You did this last time.....went to trucks...sold them bought some more, sold them then came back to cards and now bought a new truck (lol)........just hang onto them (your cards) mate and go quiet for a while like I did. You'll lose out on too much :( Either that or have the patience to sell them individually and get LOTS more ! (Just my advice).

Man you sure do go the whole hog when you change hobbies (lol).

PS - We really got to teach you how to spell consider ;)
:lol: Ye man... its all or nothing..
If i cant get this much for em then i wont bother....
What ever keeps me happy !:D
All the best then dude......will you be hanging around the message board still ?

Justin will be spewing (lol)
Ye ill still be around....glAd you said justo..just remembered ive got a shaq i owe him...OOPPS..BWAHAHAHAH ..he cant neg me for thread..:lol:
Na...drop of next week mate:lol:
Richo said:
You'd better change your signature block to SELLING COREY MAGGETTE then ;)

Na shes cool... im still happy to trade for him..very possible i wont get a sale based on the lack or response so far...
See how it goes..
Fair enough, if I EVER get my ass back to Perth in the near future I am going to come and check this truck of yours out (In action I hope). All the best with the sale, everyone here would back me up when I say your a top bloke and a great person to trade with !
damn.. so close, yet so far
still i think richo has a point in saying that you're best off keeping the collection for when you inevitably decide to return to the hobby.
Prototype said:
damn.. so close, yet so far
still i think richo has a point in saying that you're best off keeping the collection for when you inevitably decide to return to the hobby.

May be mate...I dont take up a hobby with $$ in mind...half the fun is the dealing for me not the actual collection..
Ive had many hours of enjoyment (cant put a price on that !!)
For those that say..list em individually and youll make heaps more....I SAY... well buy them of me and you pocket the extra.:D
hsv006 said:
...half the fun is the dealing for me not the actual collection..
Ive had many hours of enjoyment (cant put a price on that !!)
For those that say..list em individually and youll make heaps more....I SAY... well buy them of me and you pocket the extra.:D

Two Points:
1. Your SPOT ON there, the who trading part is fun and you can't put a price on that !
2. I am VERY tempted to take you up on the offer of buying them and selling them individually as you could make quite a few $$$ (IMHO). Shame I am saving for a holiday though :(
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