Metropolis Street Racer
Sonic Adventure
Sega Rally
House of the Dead 2 w/ gun
Marvel vs Capcom
Capcom vs SNK
Dead or Alive
Fire Pro Wrestling D
Toukon Retsuden 4
Giant Gram 2000
Sonic Adventure 2 - 10th Anniversary Edition
The King of Fighters 99 Evolution
The King Of Fighters Dream Match 99
Garou: Mark of the Wolves
Last Blade 2 - Heart of the Samurai
Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves
Sega Marine Fishing
I thought i had Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike but i can't see it anywhere. I remember it was an average port so i may have sold it.
Got the Sega Arcade Fight Stick, couple of VMUs and controllers, and i think i may even have the fishing reel.
I now remember why I have trouble finding the heart to sell it all.
Ebay can be strange sometimes I had a Sega Master Sytem Light Phaser gun with 7 Exclusive games that all work with the gun I thought I would get at least $40 but it went for $5 the buyer didn't pay so I resold and got $18. I think this is due to it being sold a bit too late as you can't use the gun on LCD TV's only CRT's
Dreamcasts were the best I cried when mine eventually wouldn't read games anymore.
You don't need games get a console and burn the games as you don't need a mod chip
I have a controller and two of those memory cards with the screen and buttons if anyone needs them let me know and ill sort you out a btter deal than ebay as they are just sitting in my house with a dead console