Hi Wayne, I am really wanting to trade Cards with you if you have any I need. I am only after 10 x Cards from 1974 Scanlens Rugby League. I have heaps of Scanlens Cards from most years.
I just can’t seem to navigate this site to find your Wanted List. I have gone round and round in circles and have come back to your post in 2 sections but no wanted list. I really just want to see the list but can’t find it. “Wanted section of NRL Cards under trade/sell/auction Scanlens Wanted under NRL”. Is there an easy way to it or can you send a link. I have heaps of perfect condition cards. The cards I am after don’t have to be perfect but just need them.
I just can’t seem to navigate this site to find your Wanted List. I have gone round and round in circles and have come back to your post in 2 sections but no wanted list. I really just want to see the list but can’t find it. “Wanted section of NRL Cards under trade/sell/auction Scanlens Wanted under NRL”. Is there an easy way to it or can you send a link. I have heaps of perfect condition cards. The cards I am after don’t have to be perfect but just need them.