Red Dead Redemption - PS3

I got Red Dead for my birthday a couple of weeks back and absolutely love it!!
I am about 40% or so through.
I was a huge fan of San Andreas and to a lesser extent GTA4, but Red Dead blows them both out the water as far as I am concerned. I really think that it is the best game I have ever played (Shadow of the Collosus was my old fav).

A couple fo people have said it is boring riding your horse long distances to get from one place to another. This is optional however as you can always set up your campsite (from your inventry) just out of one town and then select the travel to destination option to travel straight to wherever you set a waypoint. This is similar to getting taxi's in GTA4.

Love hunting all the different animals in the game, love the way they look and move so realistically.
Cougars are the bane of my life at the moment. I have been killed that many times by the bloody things!! They sprint up and attack you from the side/behind, then by the time you get to your feet and pan around to see where they are, it is too late and they have already come in for the second strike- killing blow!

Looking forward to unlocking the top right part of the map and seeing bears/beavers/bison etc etc.

Love the costumes you can unlock by completing the specific requirements for that outfit.

I am officially the worlds worst treasure hunter, having only found the first one and stumped by the second map (no help though please guys, I will figure it out eventually!!!;))

Highly recommend this game to anyone who likes their sandbox games.
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