Rate the last movie you watched


Dom Wilkins Collector
Sunshine Coast, Queensland
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eBay User
Good way to share the good and bad movies we watch.

Kingsman: The Secret Service - 9/10

Guess this falls into the genre of James Bond, plenty of good humour, gadgets and damn good action. Great cast including, Samuel L Jackson, Michael Caine and Colin Firth.

IMDB - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2802144/
Iverson (2015) Documentary

7/10 - Not a lot of new stuff but still some new info on the jail time/court trial he went through back in the day and a few other things.
Avengers: Age of Ultron - 8/10

Classic blockbuster Marvel movie. You know what your getting in to.

No Crossover: The trial of Allen Iverson 7/10

Felt it waffled on a little bit at times. Very interesting none the less.
mad max - 5/10. just your average no brain, CGI fest, action movie. max didnt even need to be in it.
ex machina - 7/10. not bad. interesting themes.
chappie - 3/10. dodgy acting, dodgy story, dodgy production, dodgy directing.
age of adaline - 6/10. good idea, just not executed well enough.
i hate christian laettner (ESPN 30for30) - 6/10. was hoping for more. if i didnt like basketball it would be a much lower rating.
foxcatcher - 7/10. interesting story and fantastic effort by steve carell.
birdman - 8/10. if only for the camera work...but the overall finished product was worth the watch.
interstellar - 8/10. i might be bias tho because i like nolan films. a slightly different ending and i wouldve given it a 9.
Mad Max - 8/10 - Knew the plot-line would be zero and the action scenes insane before heading in there... wasn't disappointed in the slightest.

Oh actually, could have used some gratuitous full frontal nudity from the (of age) princesses. Would have come close to a 9 then. :thumbsup: :red:
Wow, harsh, anything with Salma Hayek is an automatic 4 IMO. :thumbsup:

And the same for Penelope Cruz..

Infact their movie Bandidas in which they co-star.. is as close as it comes to movie perfection. :rofl:

All 26000+ that rated this movie on IMDB were obviously women looking for some kind of plot-line or depth other than Salmas 44DD.. :rolleyes:
Haha the fact that I gave it a two despite Salma Hayek speaks more about Adam Samdler, Kevin James, David Spade, Nick Swardson, Steve Buscemi and the rest of the Recycled and totally lame cast that Sandler likes to reuse. If fart jokes is where their careers have gotten to they need to take a pretty hard look in the mirror. It's a shame to see Shaq become one of them in this film - however Stone Cold Steve Austin's acting was a pleasant suprise.

Remove the fart jokes, get back to basics for Sandler I say.

Without Sayek it's a -2. So I'm still giving a 4 point score! Haha
Avengers 2

5/10 - Just like the first one (first one was actually decent but this one didn't seem to do much more), 2 hours 20 was a drag, lack of story line, characters roles undefined, bash and crash was too often (fight scenes) and lacked substance, was also too bright in the cinema and just generally sucked. I won't lie when I say I fell asleep.
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