if you have the personal account, the buyer must have the money in their paypal account as they can't pay via credit card. I am not sure if they can pay through their bank account though
if you have the personal account, the buyer must have the money in their paypal account as they can't pay via credit card. I am not sure if they can pay through their bank account though
Basically a personal account will not allow you to accept credit card recaipts and limits the amount you can receive. But you are not charge for accepting cash.
Premier account you can receive credit card payment, but ALL Payments you get charged a fee.
So if you are not getting and money coming in and just paying, then go for the personal. If you are selling stuff and will be getting CC payments, then you need a Permier account.
If you do get a premier account, you can still get also a personal account to accept cash payment without being charged the fee. You just need another email account.
Basically a personal account will not allow you to accept credit card recaipts and limits the amount you can receive. But you are not charge for accepting cash.
Premier account you can receive credit card payment, but ALL Payments you get charged a fee.
So if you are not getting and money coming in and just paying, then go for the personal. If you are selling stuff and will be getting CC payments, then you need a Permier account.
If you do get a premier account, you can still get also a personal account to accept cash payment without being charged the fee. You just need another email account.