PS3 NBA2K13 Online Association

Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

I should be on in about half an hour or so mate, or tomorrow night after 9.30 your time!

Don't think I'll be on then mate, and only just got home.

Any chance for a day-time match Thurs or Friday day?

Either that or I think I'll be back on Sunday during the day around 3 PM so could do a game between 3-5 PM.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Hopefully me and new Spurs can get our game done on Friday if thats not to late? As mentioned earlier can't see me getting on any earlier this week. Also hoping to get game v Celtics over the weekend :) Looking forward to seeing how far off the pace these Hawks are.

Looks like we could nearly do the draft in person with a fair few Vic guys and particular Westies ;)
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Only 3 games left to go for me so Atlanta, Dallas and New Orleans let me know when your good to go! :)

---------- Post added 16-02-2010 at 11:07 PM ----------

How did it break? :eek:

Dunno just goes black or dont read disks when u put them in:mad: does any one know where 2 get it fixed got no warrenty left
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Hopefully me and new Spurs can get our game done on Friday if thats not to late? As mentioned earlier can't see me getting on any earlier this week. Also hoping to get game v Celtics over the weekend :) Looking forward to seeing how far off the pace these Hawks are.

Looks like we could nearly do the draft in person with a fair few Vic guys and particular Westies ;)

Yeah im good for a game over the weekend sometime but probably during the day would suit.

Dunno just goes black or dont read disks when u put them in:mad: does any one know where 2 get it fixed got no warrenty left

Damn thats no good, just did a quick search and found these guys based in Sydney...PLAYSTATION 3 REPAIRS, AUSTRALIA WIDE SERVICES. Our Home Page
Never had to send mine away so not sure if there any good but they came up first, if you did some more searching im sure you might be able to find someone in the Gold Coast area
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

I just finished adding everyone to my PS3 as friends to make organising games easier and saw that only 4 people (not inluding mattbown) from season 1 are in the Eastern Conference with me is this strategic planning? lol ;)
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

I just finished adding everyone to my PS3 as friends to make organising games easier and saw that only 4 people (not inluding mattbown) from season 1 are in the Eastern Conference with me is this strategic planning? lol ;)

Haha. I'm in the mighty East!

Still looking like Sunday/Monday are the two most likely days for the draft.

It won't be this week, will try to give everyone at least a weeks notice of the draft timetable. Need to make sure it is right as once i lock in the draft time it can't be changed.

---------- Post added 17-02-2010 at 03:39 PM ----------

Season 2 Draft availability: (Note: rough times as most people havent mentioned their timezone)

Digeze -
(Weekdays)Any day preferably from 9:30pm
(Weekends)Most weekends although unpredictable. Sun night after 9:30pm

dhilos -
(weekdays)Preferably after 6pm
(weekends) During the day

Nenjabin -
(weekdays)outside work hours - NOT Wednesday - NOT 6th March
(weekends)During the day possibly

ranga91 -
(weekdays)Anytime after 7pm

aussiemjfreak -
(weekdays)After 6:30pm - NOT Tuesday

vivo -
(weekdays)Any day (before uni goes back)
(weekends)Not on Friday or Saturday night

(weekdays)Any day (before uni goes back)

(weekdays)6:30pm-10pm - NOT Thursday

ben-portsie -
(weekdays)After 4pm - Monday or Wednesday

DaDingo -
(weekdays)Mon-Thur after 6pm
(weekends)Sunday arvo/evening

arzbar -
(weekends)Saturday/Sunday afternoon

alidrew -
(weekdays/ends)Any time from about 9:30-pm onwards

Zelmeister -
(Weekdays/ends) 6pm-10pm

SwizzCheese -

Katmagik -
(weekdays/ends)Sun-Thur from 9:30pm onwards

Sam397 -
(weekends)Saturday after 9pm

Verse -
(weekdays) After 5pm
(weekends) Any Day

(weekdays) After 6pm

mattbowen -
(weekdays) after 3pm
(weekends) Available Any Day

Beertank - TBC

Koori - TBC

nzgamer - TBC

beevers94 - TBC

IndiNOpolis - TBC

Costa - TBC

JKeefy - TBC

ItsBrandon - TBC

Wiz1983 - TBC

JayDisnap - TBC


The only person i don't have on my friends list is Wiz1983. I think he was a friend of someones (Aussie perhaps?) So someone needs to get some feedback from him about availability, or direct him to this site or the 2K league site.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Yeah us original's will have to show them how to ball! lol

Either are good altho i may have to skip basketball on a monday night to get to the draft, thats ok tho im only watching at the moment, im out with an ACL :(
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

It's sure going to be difficult because Uni starts next week so Monday won't be on then. If Sunday and Monday are looking like the best options maybe Sunday week during the day?

Most people are home during the day and that gives everyone 1 1/2 weeks notice.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

The only person i don't have on my friends list is Wiz1983. I think he was a friend of someones (Aussie perhaps?) So someone needs to get some feedback from him about availability, or direct him to this site or the 2K league site.

Yep, he's a mate of mine, Ill get some feedback off of him tonight and get back to you tonight mate!
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Yeah actually with monday (if it happens then) what time slot would we be looking at because im at uni every monday 9:00-5:30 and would get home around 6:30ish
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Yeah actually with monday (if it happens then) what time slot would we be looking at because im at uni every monday 9:00-5:30 and would get home around 6:30ish

Yep, if it was the Monday it would def. need to be later in the evening, perhaps sometime after 9pm.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

*Update* Season 2 Draft availability: (Note: rough times as most people havent mentioned their timezone)

Digeze -
(Weekdays)Any day preferably from 9:30pm
(Weekends)Most weekends although unpredictable. Sun night after 9:30pm

dhilos -
(weekdays)Preferably after 6pm
(weekends) During the day

Nenjabin -
(weekdays)outside work hours - NOT Wednesday - NOT 6th March
(weekends)During the day possibly

ranga91 -
(weekdays)Anytime after 7pm

aussiemjfreak -
(weekdays)After 6:30pm - NOT Tuesday

vivo -
(weekdays)Any day (before uni goes back)
(weekends)Not on Friday or Saturday night

(weekdays)Any day (before uni goes back)

(weekdays)6:30pm-10pm - NOT Thursday

ben-portsie -
(weekdays)After 4pm - Monday or Wednesday

DaDingo -
(weekdays)Mon-Thur after 6pm
(weekends)Sunday arvo/evening

arzbar -
(weekends)Saturday/Sunday afternoon

alidrew -
(weekdays/ends)Any time from about 9:30-pm onwards

Zelmeister -
(Weekdays/ends) 6pm-10pm

SwizzCheese -

Katmagik -
(weekdays/ends)Sun-Thur from 9:30pm onwards

Sam397 -
(weekends)Saturday after 9pm

Verse -
(weekdays) After 5pm
(weekends) Any Day

(weekdays) Monday after 6pm
(Weekends) Sunday anytime

JKeefy - Works shiftwork. Preference TBC

Koori -
(weekends) Prefer Sunday night

(Weekdays) After 6pm

Costa - Sunday is 1st preference

Wiz1983 -
(Weekdays/ends) Any night of the week except NOT Tuesdays

Beertank - Sunday Night

nzgamer - TBC

beevers94 - TBC

IndiNOpolis - TBC

ItsBrandon - Sunday. Not MONDAY

JayDisnap - TBC

---------- Post added 17-02-2010 at 06:15 PM ----------

Yeah ok, does anyone know how long these things go for? It's not gonna end at like 1am is it :lol:

I believe each team has 30 seconds on the clock (sounds intense, especially when the teams in front of you pick your guys....gonna have to fill myself up with caffeine before this one :) )

Teams that don't turn up for the draft should be autopicked without waiting the 30 seconds.

15 rounds of draft picks but i think you have an option to stop picking after 12 rounds if you like (most teams wouldnt go that deep anyways)

So assuming 20 teams turn up for the draft and taking an average of 15 seconds per pick (You will usually have your picks ready but sometimes take longer if guys disapear unexpectedly) 20*15 seconds = 5 minutes per round = 1 hour to do 12 rounds of the draft - a bit longer if you stay for 15 rounds.

Purely estimating so don't hold me to it.
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