PS3 NBA2K13 Online Association

Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Yep, I got negative from Swizz too. And I think I have maybe 1 neutral or something? Not sure exactly. He doesn't like off ball D though, so knew I'd cop 1. He simply sooked cause he couldn't shake loose with Vince and AI the way he does with on-ballers. Think I got a negative from the New Orleans guy too...he had a sook on here after my game too so didn't surprise me. I only checked these like a week ago myself too! Do I care? Nope. Doesn't count for **** I don't think. And really, it's just guys that don't like losing that leave them. I think I even left positive for you Jimbo and you know what I was voicing after! :lol: So who knows. Just sore losers me thinks.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Yep, I got negative from Swizz too. And I think I have maybe 1 neutral or something? Not sure exactly. He doesn't like off ball D though, so knew I'd cop 1. He simply sooked cause he couldn't shake loose with Vince and AI the way he does with on-ballers. Think I got a negative from the New Orleans guy too...he had a sook on here after my game too so didn't surprise me. I only checked these like a week ago myself too! Do I care? Nope. Doesn't count for **** I don't think. And really, it's just guys that don't like losing that leave them. I think I even left positive for you Jimbo and you know what I was voicing after! :lol: So who knows. Just sore losers me thinks.

LOL that reminds me I also got a negative from the new New Orleans owner. So I was wrong when I said 2 negs, I actually have 3.

That guy was a major sook. I beat him too 98-77 with 64% in the paint so nothing extreme. He probably couldn't cop the fact that he lost, although he's a bit of an idiot since he shot 42 three point attempts, only made 10 but kept chucking the whole game!

Yeah if it has no baring or significance on anything I don't really care. How can it be credible anyway I guess, to leave feedback for the person you've just played. It seems often the sulky loser will not be willing to leave good feedback.

Yeah true that Ben, but even if you played a horrible game against me I probably still wouldn't leave you negative feedback. Not sure what good that would do either way haha :)
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Haha yeah I wouldn't leave negative for you either :)

I keep chucking treys all game, but then that's both cause I'm normally good at them, and because that's my style. If I end up losing, ah well, I had fun and played my game. Winning doesn't matter that much to me :)
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

I keep chucking treys all game, but then that's both cause I'm normally good at them, and because that's my style.

Maybe if you started going from corners more often than wings - Thats your style :p

Really, who cares about ratings and "experiences?" Its a damn video game, and if you find a way to win then good on you.
If you carry your team with one player, or one move, or one style - you'll get found out at the end, and thats why the best players have other assets that win them games.

And if you can't defend one style of play, shame on you :lol:
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Way too many people take this game way to seriously. I'm 5-17 in my league for god sake & i'm not crying about it. I have fun playing & that's all I care about. I've had 2 people quit & had alot of silly complaints over nothing. I'll help people out but were is the fun of playing the game.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Maybe if you started going from corners more often than wings - Thats your style :p

Really, who cares about ratings and "experiences?" Its a damn video game, and if you find a way to win then good on you.
If you carry your team with one player, or one move, or one style - you'll get found out at the end, and thats why the best players have other assets that win them games.

And if you can't defend one style of play, shame on you :lol:

Great quote John! That's got to be quote of the day.

Good to see you're now on the boards as well mate! :D
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

When are finals up? I havnt checked out the our 2K site or anything for awhile...should maybe gets some praccy in!
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Hey Digeze... Ya've lost 3 guys in S3. Did they quit or were they booted? Also why were the 3 that's gone? Atleast they did it now I guess.
When can we start playing S2 playoffs?
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Hey Digeze... Ya've lost 3 guys in S3. Did they quit or were they booted? Also why were the 3 that's gone? Atleast they did it now I guess.
When can we start playing S2 playoffs?

That's frustrating. One is Bloods_10 who was I've played in the new season that Zel is head moderator of. He's a good player so can't imagine he was booted.

Maybe we should have pulled the trigger to start the league when we had the chance. If we're still planning on doing the draft this Sunday it'll be tight to get 3 new players and it's already Wednesday.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Geez 3 gone already? I think my mate may have got 2K, I'll msg him tomorrow to see if his connected his PS3 yet...would love to own him online :razz:
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Well not exactly accidentally, but saw 2 guys gone so I thought i'd see if I could get another team. I didn't really want GS, but didn't realise the invite expired once you enter the league #-o
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

I don't see why bloods would have quit the league. He loves playing 2k10 & is online all the time. I'd say he accidently did it. He is by far the most active guy in my league. I'll have a chat to him. I think the other guy was mkd_kid. He quit mine out of the blue to. Is was really weird cause he was one of the top 5 guys in the league & had a great winning record. I'd say 2 out of the 3 will rejoin. So we've only gotta replace the 1 spot... I'D REALLY LOVE TO DO THE DRAFT THIS WEEKEND.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

EmVeeSpree and HiHisylvia were still after spots too. Plus i'd like to remove gunit_130.

---------- Post added 30-06-2010 at 11:25 AM ----------

Also, Bloods is rejoining. He basically did the exact same thing as Keefy and quit because he saw another team had quit and he wanted to see if he could grab a different team. Invites have been resent to Bloods, Keefy, HiHo and Emvee....gunit_130 removed.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Well, ended up staying with Golden State - tempted by the Bucks tho, but I like the West - oh and because i'm in Benny's conference again! hopefully those shooting woes continue :thumbsup:
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

I think the other guy was mkd_kid. He quit mine out of the blue to. Is was really weird cause he was one of the top 5 guys in the league & had a great winning record

yeh i messaged mkd-kid and asked why he left the league.

he said
"im sick of people cheesing and playing unfairly and just had enough of 2k10, nobodys fault but 2k and hope 2k11 fixes the problem"
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

yeh i messaged mkd-kid and asked why he left the league.

he said
"im sick of people cheesing and playing unfairly and just had enough of 2k10, nobodys fault but 2k and hope 2k11 fixes the problem"

Yeah thats what mkd_kid wrote to me. Which is crazy cause he was doing really well in my league.

I don't know if you'll get EmVeeSpree in the league. He's barely been online the the last couple weeks. Let me know if ya need a hand getting someone to fill the spot.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Likely to! I've got into the association mode now so am reasonably regularly playing offline...meaning I'll be a heap of crap and bent over by the lack online :lol: But I'll try...and hit 20 treys a game :lol:
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