What a game!! I wish I had played that when the 3 kids were in bed!! Had so much trouble concentrating during the 4th!! Kids were going off and daughter was crying! Oh well, thats the breaks! Jimbo, you played really well! Lee killed me in the post, Rudy smashed me in the 4th!
Finally starting to get use to my team now, starting to hit some shots and play some good solid Defense! Helps that I went off and practiced shooting a bit with Posey, Sefelosha, Felton and Parker who I havent been able to find the shot of again after giving up big to acquire him!
Am getting happier and happier with the way im playing, just wish I had that go to player that i could use like you did with Gay mate! Just going to have to continue to play a real team game and keep most games to a low scoring style and slow it down!